Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Their Message Goes Out Through All The Earth

"The heavens declare the glory of GOD;
the firmament proclaims the work of HIS hands.
Day talks it over with day;
night hands on the knowledge to night.
No speech, no words, no voice is heard -
but the call goes on, throughout the universe,
the message is felt to the ends of the earth.
- Psalm 19:2-5

(There is nature's message of GOD's beauty, which is no less audible for being inarticulate and then, for Israel, the message of HIS specific will which the Law contains.  For both of these, we must show admiration and respect.  When nature seems harsh and the law constricts us, faith must carry us through.  When this is the case for others, charity must work in us, to help or sympathize.

The splendor of heaven gives us a glimpse of the glory of GOD.  We are also aware of HIS presence, when we meditate on HIS commandments, which are light and joy for the soul.

Romans 10:18 applies verse 4 of the psalm to the preaching of the Gospel.  This psalm is adequate to revise one's life in the presence of GOD in creation and in the Law.  JESUS in the Gospels has taught us how to pray.  If we add this psalm to our morning prayer, it will make us feel great and ready to start the day well.)  


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