Sunday, May 14, 2017

LORD, YOU Will Show Us The Path Of Life

"Keep me safe, O GOD,
for in YOU I take refuge.
I say to YAHWEH,
'YOU are my LORD, my only good.'

The gods of the earth are but nothing,
cursed be those who delight in them.
Those who run after foreign gods
only have their sorrows multiplied.
Let me not shed blood for them,
nor their names be heard on my lips.
O YAHWEH, my inheritance and my cup,
my chosen portion - hold secure my lot.

The best part has been allotted to me.
Delightful indeed is my inheritance!
I praise YAHWEH who counsels me;
even at night, my inmost self instructs me.
I keep YAHWEH always before me;
for with HIM at my right hand,
I will never be shaken.

My heart, therefore, exults; my soul rejoices;
my body, too, will rest assured.
For YOU will not abandon
my soul to the grave,
nor will YOU suffer YOUR holy one
to see decay in the land of the dead.
YOU will show me the path of life,
in YOUR presence, the fullness of joy,
at YOUR right hand, happiness forever."
- Psalm 16:1-11

(So much lip-service is paid to the one GOD and so much activity to the gods we make for ourselves.  Only thoughtful experience can show how hollow these are.  The offerings we make pay no return but a frenzy to offer more.  But perhaps this experience is necessary for many of us.  It may not lead to the high mysticism of the psalmist.  If we learn to turn away and look for a while towards the more lasting good, we may find it more satisfying after all.  Appetite may grow from what it feeds on.  There is even a presentiment in this psalm, that such a union with GOD, will prove stronger than death, and in CHRIST it did.  The risen LORD, so closely united with HIS FATHER, descended to the place of death and came out freely, ascending with HIS spoils.  Nor can death resist HIS Body, which is the Church.  HE promised that the gates of death would not withstand it.  Death, 'the last enemy,' is destroyed.  The resurrection of our bodies is guaranteed by the resurrection of CHRIST.

Loyalty to GOD does not mean hostility toward those who follow another religion.  This loyalty asks of us, on the contrary, to look more closely at our attachment to all the little gods, that encumber our life.  Let us not sacrifice our Christian identity on the altar of money.)


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