Monday, May 08, 2017

All Were Filled With The Holy Spirit

"As soon as Peter and John were set free, they went to their friends and reported what the chief priests and elders had said to them.
When they heard it, they raised their voices as one, and called upon GOD, 'Sovereign LORD, maker of heaven and earth, of the sea and everything in them, YOU have put these words in the mouth of David, our father and YOUR servant, through the Holy Spirit: Why did the pagan nations rage and the people conspire in folly?  The kings of the earth were aligned; and the princes gathered together against the LORD and against HIS Messiah.
For indeed, in this very city,  Herod, with Pontius Pilate and the pagans, together, with the people of Israel, conspired against YOUR holy servant, JESUS, whom YOU anointed.  Thus, indeed, they brought about whatever YOUR powerful will had decided, from all time, would happen.  But now, LORD, see their threats against us; and enable YOUR servants to speak YOUR word with all boldness.  Stretch out YOUR hand, to heal, and to work signs and wonders, through the name of JESUS, YOUR holy servant.'
When they had prayed, the place where they were gathered together shook; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of GOD boldly." - Acts 4:23-31 

(We can meditate on the way this church gathering develops: an event [the arrest] is shared by all.  For them this confrontation with the authorities is something new.  They connect what had happened with the word of GOD.  In this case they refer to Psalm 2; then they begin common prayer and ask for courage to continue to do GOD's works.)


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