Sunday, July 31, 2016

Even Wisdom Is Meaningless!

Hi! and happy holy and family day to all of us, GUYS.  Our first-thing-first this Sunday:

THE GOOD NEWS (31 July 2016)
"I, the teacher, have been king of Israel in Jerusalem.  I set my heart on studying and examining critically all that is done under heaven.
It is a burdensome task which GOD has given to the sons of men!  I have seen everything that is done under the sun, but all is meaningless: it is chasing the wind.  What is bent cannot be straightened; what is not will not come to be.
I thought to myself, 'See, I have increased and promoted wisdom more than anyone who ruled Jerusalem before me and I have experienced to the full both wisdom and knowledge.  I set my heart on comparing wisdom with foolishness and stupidity, and I discovered that this also is chasing the wind.
For the wiser you are, the more worries you have, and the more you learn, the more you suffer." - Ecclesiastes 1:12-18 

(Under the sun: these words will come back as a refrain: humans toil and pass as a shadow while the sun remains.  The sun is like an image of GOD who endures and who alone does things "with a view to eternity".

The wiser you are...The pioneers of science were sure that progress would free us from all evils.  Our century has lost this assurance: development is not a road to easy life, one is slave to one's own brain and one's own knowledge, obliged to assume the consequences that become more formidable each day; although one does not know the way, one cannot stop.)

Saturday, July 30, 2016

"A Jealous Love Of YOUR House Devours Me, Draws Insults From Those Who Insult YOU."

Hi! and happy good weekend to all of us, GUYS.  Our "food for the soul" this Saturday:

THE GOOD NEWS (30 July 2016)

"Rescue me, lest I sink in the mire; deliver me from the storm and the deep waters.

Let not the flood engulf me, nor the deep suck me in, let not the pit close its mouth upon me.

In YOUR mercy, O LORD, give me a good answer; in YOUR great compassion, turn to me.

Hide not YOUR face from YOUR servant; answer me at once for I am in distress.

Come and rescue me; set me free from my enemies.

YOU know the disgrace I suffer, and YOU know my oppressors and my humiliations.

Dishonor has driven me to despair; I looked for sympathy and there was none, for comforters and there was no one.

They gave me poison for food and vinegar to drink.

May snares be set for them in their banquets and traps in their sacred feasts.

May their eyes grow dim, so that they will not see; may their loins be stricken with palsy.

Pour out YOUR fury upon them, and let YOUR burning anger overtake them.

Make their camp desolate; may no one dwell in their tents,

for they persecute the one YOU have wounded, and increased the pain of the one YOU have struck.

Charge them with crime upon crime, and do not acquit them.

Blot them out of the book of life, and do not enroll them among the upright.

But I myself am humbled and wounded; YOUR salvation, O GOD, will lift me up.

I will praise the name of GOD in song; I will glorify HIM with thanksgiving.

This will please the LORD more than an ox or a bull with horns and divided hoofs.

Let the lowly witness this and be glad.  You who seek GOD, may your hearts be revived.

For the LORD hears the needy and does not despise those in captivity."
- Psalm 69:15-34

JESUS Was Arrested And Judged

(The prayer of the believer who, no doubt, would be less target of mockery and affront from his circle if he were not known as a Christian.  A jealous love of YOUR house devours me, draws insults from those who insult YOU [see John 2:17].  Let us not think too quickly that if we are persecuted, it is because we are believers; and yet JESUS said that must be.  Humiliation - often justified - will accompany the graces and the glory which GOD gives HIS children [2 Corinthians 4:7].

GOD's servant almost submerged by the waters of suffering and death calls to the LORD for help.  CHRIST has applied to HIMSELF several terms of this prayer.  After having been saved from death, HE will be the happiness of all who seek GOD.)

Friday, July 29, 2016

If They Change Their Ways, I Will Then Refrain From Doing The Harm I Planned

Hello! and happy TGIF to all of us, GUYS.  Our "daily bread" this Friday:

THE GOOD NEWS (29 July 2016)
"At times I warn a nation or a kingdom that I will uproot or destroy it.  But if they change their ways, I then relent and refrain from doing the harm I had intended to do.
At other times I declare that a nation or kingdom will be built up and planted but then they do what displeases ME and do not listen to ME, so I decide to reverse the good deeds that I intend to do.
And YAHWEH added, 'Now tell the people of Judah and to those who live in Jerusalem: YAHWEH says to you, 'Listen, I AM planning to destroy you; I AM hatching a devastating plot against you!  Turn from your evil ways; rectify your conduct and your deeds.'  But you reply: 'It's no use!  We shall follow our own plans'; and each one goes on obeying his stubborn heart." - Jeremiah 18:7-12 
GOD's Wrath, If We Will Not Mend!
(At any time, one can be converted and GOD will act accordingly.  There is no plan of GOD written beforehand that we have to follow, pushed to do good or evil by some fatal destiny.  GOD is continually creating and HE achieves HIS plan for the world while renewing each day the free relation it maintains with us.  The Bible supports these two statements, that nothing escapes GOD and that we are free.)

The All-Seeing GOD, But We Are Free

Thursday, July 28, 2016

At The Potter's House

Hi! and happy good Thursday to all of us, GUYS.  Our "food for the soul" today:

THE GOOD NEWS (28 July 2016) 
"This is the word of YAHWEH that came to Jeremiah: 'Go down to the potter's house and there you will hear what I have to say."
So I went to the potter's house and found him working at the wheel.  But the pot he was working on was spoiled in his hands, so he reworked it all over again into another pot that suits his desire.
Meanwhile YAHWEH sent me HIS word, 'People of Israel, can I not do with you what this potter does?  As clay in the potter's hand so are you in MY hands'." - Jeremiah 18:1-6 
Hands And Clay On Potter's Wheel
(In several parts of the Bible, the comparison with the potter serves to show that GOD is absolute master and directs the lives of all according to HIS will: individuals as well as nations [see Isaiah 29:16 and Romans 9:20].  Here the same comparison is used to provide another teaching which complements the first: namely that we are free.) 

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Treasure And The Pearl

Hello! and happy good mid-week to all of us, GUYS.  Our "food for the soul" this Wednesday:

THE GOOD NEWS (27 July 2016)
"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field.  The one who finds it buries it again; and so happy is he, that he goes and sells everything he has, in order to buy that field.
Again the kingdom of heaven is like a trader who is looking for fine pearls.  Once he has found a pearl of exceptional quality, he goes away, sells everything he has and buys it. - Matthew 13:44-46 
"It is during the night that it is beautiful to believe in the light." - Plato
(The parables of the treasure and the pearl invite us not to let opportunities pass by, when the kingdom of GOD comes to us.

Some have been waiting for years for that word, or person or sign of hope that would give new meaning to their lives.  One day they found it.  Sometimes it was found through simple things: a forgiving word, a friendly smile, a first commitment offered to them and accepted.  Then they understood that this was the way to gain all they were waiting for, and they entered the Kingdom happily.

The parable says: he hides it again.  Ordinarily it is GOD who hides the treasure again after having shown it to us, for it will be really ours when we have worked for it and persevered.

Everything must be sold.  We have to divest ourselves of all those habits, pleasures... that occupy our hearts without filling them.  When trials come upon us like a frosty, icy night, we should not forget the treasure we have once seen, until we recover it.  Plato, the great pagan philosopher, said, "It is during the night that it is beautiful to believe in the light."

"The pearl" is, in a certain sense, CHRIST HIMSELF.  HE alone gives meaning to all the sacrifices of a Christian life.  These are not really "sacrifices," but the search for a love that has already been proven.) 

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

In Praise Of Ancestors

Hi! and happy good Tuesday to all of us, GUYS.  Our "daily bread" today:

THE GOOD NEWS (26 July 2016)
"Let us now glorify illustrious men, the ancestors of our people.
The LORD gave them great glory according to his greatness from the beginning.
Some ruled kingdoms and were renowned for their achievements, others were wise and able to counsel, or spoke as prophets.
They led the people with their warnings or with their knowledge of the popular writings.
Some cultivated music and poetry, others were rich and powerful men living peacefully in their homes.
All were highly respected in their days and honored by the people they lived with.
The names of some lived on and people still praise them today; others are not remembered and have disappeared as if they never existed.  It is the same for their children.
But now consider the godly men whose good deeds have not been forgotten.  Those who came after them benefited from the rich legacy they left; their race remained faithful to the Covenant, their children followed their example.  Their family will endure forever and never will its glory be tarnished.  Their bodies were buried in peace but their memory lives through generations.  Peoples will speak of their wisdom and the assembly will celebrate their praise. - Sirach 44:1-15 
The Burning Bush [GOD] And Moses
(After the hymn to GOD whose glory is revealed through HIS creation, the author will present to us GOD's work in HIS chosen people, Israel.

In his poem of praise of the ancestors, we have a glimpse of all the famous people of Israel: kings, liberators, prophets, sages, poets.  The author notes that there are many courageous and just people who died and whose deeds and virtues will not be recorded after them.  He knows that even if all the descendants of a famous man disappear, as in the case of Moses, the people of Israel hold on to the promises of eternity.  In this book there is still no sign of faith in a resurrection of persons [except possibly in 48:11 - "Happy are those who will see YOU and those who die in love, for we too shall live." - and all hope is fixed on the future of the chosen people].)

Monday, July 25, 2016

Let The Light Shine Out Of Darkness!

Hi! and happy good first day of the week to all of us, GUYS.  Our "daily bread" this Monday:

THE GOOD NEWS (25 July 2016)
"Since this is our ministry mercifully given to us, we do not weaken.  We refuse to stay with half-truths through fear; we do not behave with cunning or falsify the message of GOD but, manifesting the truth, we recommend ourselves to the conscience of everyone in the sight of GOD.
In fact if the Gospel we proclaim remains obscure, it is obscure only for those who go to their own destruction.  The god of this world has blinded the minds of these unbelievers lest they see the radiance of the glorious Gospel of CHRIST, who is GOD's image.  It is not ourselves we preach, but CHRIST JESUS as LORD; and for JESUS' sake we are your servants.  GOD who said, 'Let the light shine out of darkness has also made the light shine in our hearts to radiate and to make known the Glory of GOD, as it shines in the face of CHRIST." - 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 
The Portrait Of An Apostle [Paul]

(It is worthwhile underlining some features of the portrait of an apostle as Paul sketches it:
- We do not lose heart.
- We do not proceed with trickery nor do we falsify GOD's message.
- We are more than your servants.
- Let everyone discover in us the glory of GOD that shines in CHRIST's face.
- We carry the death of JESUS so that HIS life may be revealed in us.
- We believe and that is why we speak.)


Sunday, July 24, 2016

Baptized And Risen

Hello! and happy holy and family day to all of us, GUYS.  Our first-thing-first this Sunday:

THE GOOD NEWS (24 July 2016)
"I refer to baptism.  On receiving it you were buried with CHRIST; and you also rose with HIM for having believed in the power of GOD who raised HIM from the dead.
You were dead.  You were in sin and uncircumcised at the same time.  But GOD gave you life with CHRIST.  HE forgave all our sins.  HE canceled the record of our debts, those regulations which accused us.  HE did away with all that and nailed it to the cross." - Colossians 2:12-14

(Paul has just said that a Christian has wisdom and is on a way of knowledge.  He now reminds us that our entry into the Church has been much more than an exterior rite.  Through baptism, we have become part of this renewal of the world brought about by the death and resurrection of JESUS.

Paul had been circumcised, and knew from experience that it did not save him.  We can be fairly sure baptism did not also miraculously free him of his aggressiveness and weaknesses, but he began to live his human existence differently.  He had been liberated, among other things, of what weighed heavily on him: religion with all its commandments.  Religion for him was not, as it is for some who like principles, a defensive shield as necessary as a policeman: religion was for him a reminder of a debt towards GOD, something that made love and real trust impossible. JESUS in dying had nailed to the cross all kinds of fears of GOD; at the same time he did away with all the moral principles and pressures ["powers and authorities" that smother our free response to GOD.

In some countries, many people are baptized but baptism scarcely changes their life and generally speaking they do not belong to communities seeking to renew their faith.  It is not enough for us to admit that we are poor Christians, that we have not really buried the sinner within us.  Our resurrection depends, first of all on faith in GOD who resurrected JESUS, who has pardoned us, and prepared everything so that we may live our life.)


Saturday, July 23, 2016

The Joy Of The Pilgrimage

Hello! and happy good weekend to all of us, GUYS.  For our "food for the soul" this Saturday:

THE GOOD NEWS (23 July 2016)

"My soul yearns, pines,
for the courts of the LORD.
My heart and my flesh
cry out for the living GOD.

Even the sparrow finds a home,
and the swallow a nest
where she may lay her young,
at YOUR altars, O LORD of hosts,
my King and my GOD.

Happy are those who live in YOUR house,
continually singing YOUR praise!
Happy the pilgrims whom YOU strengthen,
to make the ascent to YOU.

As they pass through the Valley,
they make it a place of springs,
the early rains covers it with blessings.
They go from strength to strength
till they appear before GOD in Zion.

O LORD of hosts, hear my prayer;
give ear, O GOD of Jacob!
Look upon our shield, O GOD;
look upon the face of YOUR anointed!

One day in YOUR courts is better
than a thousand elsewhere.
I would rather be left at the threshold
in the house of my GOD
than to dwell in the tents of the wicked."
- Psalm 84:3-11

Jerusalem, The Joy Of The Pilgrimage

(Every believer is a pilgrim in search of the eternal homeland.  Sometimes we feel the need to join the great marches and pilgrimages when people both relive and reaffirm their faith.

Happy are those who live in YOUR house: the priests and Levites in charge of celebrations and music.

I would rather be left at the threshold... Better to sleep out of doors in the courtyard of the Temple than ask a citizen of Jerusalem for lodging - one who might be arrogant and unable to share the joy of a pilgrim.) 

The Pilgrims

Friday, July 22, 2016

If HE Died For All, All Have Died!

Hello! and happy TGIF to all of us, GUYS.  Our "food for the soul" this Friday:

THE GOOD NEWS (22 July 2016)
"Indeed the love of CHRIST holds us and we realize that if HE died for all, all have died.  HE died for all so that those who live may live no longer for themselves, but for HIM who died and rose again for them.  And so from now on, we do not regard anyone from a human point of view; and even if we once knew CHRIST personally, we should now regard HIM in another way.
For that same reason, the one who is in CHRIST is a new creature.  For him the old things have passed away; a new world has come." - 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 
(There are many ways of understanding faith: for each one of us, one or other aspect of Christian life makes more of an impact.  What Paul sees in CHRIST is the great messenger and artisan of reconciliation.

His first conviction is that, with the death of CHRIST, a new age has begun for divided humanity.  If HE died for all, all have died, namely, the whole history and wisdom of people before HIM have been surpassed and now GOD works among us in other ways.

We do not regard anyone from the human point of view.  Paul confides something of his affective life.  Those around him love him, even if they make difficulties for him, and in the Church each one has his friends, those on whom he may count.  Paul loves them, but doubtless not all in the same way. To begin with, he accepts persons with different criteria and is not guided [as are many Corinthians] by the appearance of the fine speakers.  And his affectivity has been renewed in the measure that he has been possessed by CHRIST: he loves them as GOD loves them and as GOD would like them to be.

Even if we once knew CHRIST personally... [Paul says: "If we have known HIM in the flesh" or, as HE was in HIS humanity.]  He no longer sees CHRIST as a Galilean preacher, enclosed in the context of Jewish life, but rather dominating history.  Without a doubt he is also alluding to certain adversaries who consider themselves superior to him because they have known JESUS or belong to HIS family.  He says to them: "we must" [which means: you must] see HIM differently: do not see HIM as your cousin!

The one who is in CHRIST is a new creature: first because the barriers that divide and separate people no longer exist [see Galatians 3:27; Ephesians 2:14-16].  Also because it is not human desires that guide him, but the spirit of GOD who recreates him at every instant [Galatians 5:13-21].)

The Spirit Of GOD

Thursday, July 21, 2016

"Why Do YOU Speak To Them In Parables?"

Hi! and happy good Thursday to all of us, GUYS.  Our today's "food for the soul":

THE GOOD NEWS (21 July 2016)
"Then HIS disciples came to HIM with the question, 'Why do YOU speak to them in parables?'
JESUS answered, 'To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but not to these people.  For the one who has, will be given more and he will have in abundance.  But the one who does not have will be deprived of even what he has.  That is why I speak to them in parables, because they look and do not see; they hear, but they do not listen or understand.
In them the words of the prophet Isaiah are fulfilled: Much as you hear, you do not understand; much as you see, you do not perceive.
For the heart of this people has grown dull.  Their ears hardly hear and their eyes dare not see.  If they were to see with their eyes, hear with their ears and understand with their heart, they would turn back and I would heal them.
But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears, because they hear.
For I tell you that many prophets and upright people would have longed to see the things you see, but they did not, and to hear the things you hear, but they did not hear it'." - Matthew 13:10-17 
JESUS Teaching In Parables
(To you it has been given to know the secrets of the Kingdom.  To you who took CHRIST's call seriously and decided to follow HIM.  Because you came to be the co-workers of CHRIST, the FATHER will reveal to you HIS secrets.

The quotation from Isaiah that follows may shock us due to the fact of our not fully understanding Hebrew expressions.  Does JESUS speak in parables because the audience does not want to understand, or so that they will not understand?  It could be both at the same time.  

For the one who has will be given more.  Here has means produce, bear as does the tree that "has" fruit.  It will be given to those who are fruitful.

The Kingdom of heaven.  We already said that "Heaven" was a Jewish expression referring to GOD.  The kingdom of heaven is the kingdom of GOD, as the FATHER of Heaven is GOD the FATHER.  Not realizing this, many have mistakenly thought that the Gospel announced only the kingdom of GOD in Heaven after our present life.  Actually JESUS came to tell us that GOD had come to rule among us.)

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Jeremiah's Mission

Hi! and happy good mid-week to all of us, GUYS.  Our "food for the soul" this Wednesday:

THE GOOD NEWS (20 July 2016)
"Then YAHWEH stretched out HIS hand and touched my mouth and said to me, 'Now I have put MY words in your mouth.  See!  Today I gave you authority over nations and over kingdoms to uproot and to pull down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant'." - Jeremiah 1:9-10 
The Call Of Jeremiah
(I gave you authority over the nations; to uproot and to pull down.  From now on, Jeremiah will carry YAHWEH's creative word.  In the first years, this word seems rather destructive.  Jeremiah knows that when he pronounces a condemnation, he expresses GOD's judgment which will shortly take place.

Jeremiah's mission: "To uproot and to pull down; to build and to plant" will be the mission of any worker in the LORD's vineyard.  There can be no compromise between a semblance of Christian life and authentic faith; the genuine apostle must destroy in order to build.)

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

HIS Mother And HIS Brothers?

Hi! and happy good Tuesday to all of us, GUYS.  For our "daily bread" today:

THE GOOD NEWS (19 July 2016)
"While JESUS was still talking to the people, HIS mother and HIS brothers wanted to speak to HIM and they waited outside.  So someone said to HIM, 'YOUR mother and YOUR brothers are just outside; they want to speak to YOU.'
JESUS answered, 'Who is MY mother?  Who are MY brothers?'  Then HE pointed to HIS disciples and said, 'Look!  Here are MY mother and MY brothers.  Whoever does the will of MY FATHER in heaven is for ME brother, sister, or mother'." - Matthew 12:46-50 
"Whoever does the will of MY FATHER..."
(If they were true brothers of JESUS, sons of Mary, the Gospel would say: "HIS mother and the sons of HIS mother," for this was the Jewish manner of speaking.  See commentary on Mark 3:31.)

Monday, July 18, 2016

JESUS Criticizes HIS Own Generation

Hello! and happy good first day of the week to all of us, GUYS.  Our "food for the soul" this Monday:

THE GOOD NEWS (18 July 2016)
"Then some teachers of the Law and some Pharisees spoke up, 'Teacher, we want to see a sign from you.'  JESUS answered them, 'An evil and unfaithful people want a sign, but no sign will be given them except the sign of the prophet Jonah.  In the same way that Jonah spent three days and three nights in the belly of the monster fish, so will the Son of Man spend three days and three nights in the depths of the earth.
At the judgment, the people of Niniveh will rise with this generation and condemn it, because they reformed their lives at the preaching of Jonah, and here there is greater than Jonah.  At the judgment, the Queen of the South will stand up and condemn you.  She came from the ends of the earth to listen to the wisdom of Solomon, and here there is greater than Solomon'." - Matthew 12:38-42 
Niniveh Brought To Repentance By Jonah
(JESUS did not perform any miracle that day, because the experts in religion were demanding an account of HIM, instead of listening to HIM.

An evil and unfaithful people.  Gospel says in fact: "evil and adulterous".  This expression in the Bible means the unfaithful believer who, without denying GOD in words, keeps other gods to himself.

The Ninivites: see Jonah 3:5.

The Queen of the South: see 1 Kings 10.

The sign of Jonah is the resurrection of JESUS.  The similarity seen in the three days that Jonah was in the belly of the fish and the time JESUS spent in the tomb is somewhat forced.) 

The Resurrection Of JESUS CHRIST

Sunday, July 17, 2016

GOD's Mysterious Plan

Hello! and happy holy and family day to all of us, GUYS.  Our first-thing-first this Sunday:

THE GOOD NEWS (17 July 2016)
"At present I rejoice when I suffer for YOU;  I complete in my own flesh what is lacking in the sufferings of CHRIST for the sake of HIS body, which is the Church.  For I am serving the Church since GOD entrusted to me the ministry to make the word of GOD fully known.  I mean that mysterious plan that for centuries and generations remained secret, and which GOD has now revealed to HIS holy ones.
GOD willed to make known to them the riches and even the glory that HIS mysterious plan reserved for the pagan nations: CHRIST is in you and you may hope GOD's Glory.
This CHRIST we preach.  We warn and teach everyone true wisdom, aiming to make everyone perfect in CHRIST.  For this cause I labor and struggle with the energy of CHRIST working powerfully in me." - Colossians 1:24-28 
The Glory Of GOD
(I complete in my own flesh what is lacking in the sufferings of CHRIST.  After CHRIST's death something would be lacking in the salvation of the world, if JESUS followers and apostles did not, in their turn, meet with trials and sufferings.  Working for the Church means suffering for the Church; to work for the rule of justice is to suffer for the sake of justice.

HIS mysterious plan: see Ephesians 3:5.  We must not forget that in those days, no one even thought of the common destiny of humanity: they did not even speak of humanity.  Moreover, neither the Greeks nor the Romans looked beyond their actual existence.  Paul is amazed by the generosity of GOD whose promises are for all people, without distinction.  We, too, are offered nothing less than a share in the Glory of GOD, that is to say, all the riches found in HIM.)

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Against The Rich

Hello! and happy good weekend to all of us, GUYS.  Our "food for the soul" this Saturday:

THE GOOD NEWS (16 July 2016)
"Woe to those who plot wickedness and plan evil even on their beds!  When morning comes they do it, as soon as it is within their reach.
If they covet fields, they seize them.  Do they like houses?  They take them.  They seize the owner and his household, both the man and his property.
This is why YAHWEH speaks, 'I AM plotting evil against this whole brood, from which your necks cannot escape.  No more shall you walk with head held high for it will be an evil time.'
On that day they will sing a taunting song against you and a bitter lamentation will be heard, 'We have been stripped of our property in our homeland.  Who will free us from the wicked who allots our fields.'  Truly, no one will be found in the assembly of YAHWEH to keep a field for you." - Micah 2:1-5 
(He denounces the exploiters, those who always have legal means to despoil little people.  We must not forget that the Bible had a code of laws - far ahead of any other nation - to defend the rights and the lives of the poor, the widows, etc.  See Deuteronomy 23:16.

Everyone, naturally, is furious with the prophet who disturbs the established injustice.)

Friday, July 15, 2016

JESUS, LORD Of The Sabbath

Hi! and happy TGIF to all of us, GUYS.  For our "food for the soul" this Friday:

THE GOOD NEWS (15 July 2016)
"It happened that JESUS walked through the wheat fields on a Sabbath.  HIS disciples were hungry, and began to pick some heads of wheat and crush them to eat the grain.  When the Pharisees noticed this, they said to JESUS, 'Look at YOUR  disciples; they are doing what is prohibited on the Sabbath!'
JESUS answered, 'Have you not read what David did when he and his men were hungry?  He went into the house of GOD, and they ate the bread offered to GOD, although neither he nor his men had the right to eat it, but only the priests.  And have you not read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the Temple break the Sabbath rest, yet they are not guilty?
I tell you, there is greater than the Temple here.  If you really knew the meaning of the words: It is mercy I want, not sacrifice, you would not have condemned the innocent.
Besides the Son of Man is LORD of the Sabbath'." - Matthew 12:1-8 

(This chapter records the conflicts of JESUS with the Pharisees regarding the Sabbath.  Why does the Gospel make so much of these conflicts?  Perhaps because at the time of JESUS the heavy load of religious obligations was a formidable obstacle for those searching for GOD.  It may have been also because the Christians lost no time making new laws to which they gave an exaggerated importance.  If JESUS deliberately violated the most sacred of the laws given by GOD to Moses, what about our ecclesiastical laws not guaranteed by the Word of GOD?  In the name of man-made laws, adapted to a context that is not ours, Christian communities have at times been paralyzed and we let millions of people look for churches where they have the communities and pastors they have been deprived of.)

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Take MY Yoke Upon You

Hello! and happy good Thursday to all of us, GUYS.  For our "daily bread" today:

THE GOOD NEWS (14 July 2016)
"Come to ME, all you who work hard and who carry heavy burdens and I will refresh you.  Take MY yoke upon you and learn from ME for I AM gentle and humble of heart; and you will find rest.  For MY yoke is good and MY burden is light." - Matthew 11:28-30  

(Must we translate "learn from ME for I AM..." or "learn from ME that I AM..."?  The humility of JESUS reveals to us the humility of GOD who never seeks to put us down or intimidate us, but instead always wants to raise us to HIM.  Such humility does not prevent HIM from being GOD, and HE may exact everything from us because HE does not use external force: HIS influence reaches to the depths of our heart.  See Luke 10:21.

Come to me:  I will not relieve you of your load but by placing MY yoke on you, I give you the means of carrying the load.

JESUS plays with the two words yoke and load, for the Jews used to call "load" the divine teachings imparted to pupils, and yoke the balancing of the teacher's sentences, which should be learned by heart.

JESUS, the patient and humble teacher, enables us to see the mercy of GOD in our lives and in our own cross.  HE shows us the love of GOD even in the requirements of the Law.  Only GOD is Good; and good is the authority of CHRIST.)

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Everything Has Been Entrusted To ME

Hi! and happy good mid-week to all of us, GUYS.  Our "food for the soul" this Wednesday:

THE GOOD NEWS (13 July 2016)
"On that occasion JESUS said, 'FATHER, LORD of heaven and earth, I praise YOU, because YOU have hidden these things from the wise and learned and revealed them to simple people.  Yes, FATHER, this is what pleased YOU.
Everything has been entrusted to ME by MY FATHER.  No one knows the SON except the FATHER, and no one knows the FATHER except the SON and those to whom the SON chooses to reveal HIM'." - Matthew 11:25-27 
JESUS With Simple People

(JESUS prayer impressed the disciples.  In this text it is a short prayer, prompted by the most recent events; events and daily life are also a source of prayer.

YOU have hidden these things.  Intelligent people are not excluded from the faith, of course, but it is the glory of GOD that faith should not seem to be the privilege of the wise and the intelligent; human wisdom never gives what is essential and often hides it.  There were in Palestine at the time some wise people and many others who pretended to be so, but they were rarely seen among the disciples of JESUS.
Knowing GOD Through JESUS

Everything has been entrusted to ME.  GOD does what is needed for people to have always and in all places thousands of ways of knowing HIM.  In this life it is only through JESUS that we have the revelation of the FATHER.)


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Chorazin And Bethsaida

Hello! and happy good Tuesday to all of us, GUYS.  Our "daily bread" today:

THE GOOD NEWS (12 July 2016)
"Then JESUS began to denounce the cities in which HE had performed most of HIS miracles, because the people there did not change their ways.  Alas for you Chorazin and Bethsaida!  If the miracles worked in you had taken place in Tyre and Sidon, the people there would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.  But I assure you, for Tyre and Sidon it will be more bearable on the day of judgment than for you.  And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted up to heaven?  You will be thrown down to the place of the dead!  For if the miracles which were performed in you had taken place in Sodom, it would still be there today!  But I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom on the day of judgment than for you." - Matthew 11:20-24 
The Ruins Of Chorazin, Bethsaida, And Capernaum

Tyre And Sidon

The Destruction Of Sodom And Gomorrah

(Chorazin and Bethsaida: these two cities were the seats of higher schools of religion but had not received the Gospel.  Tyre and Sidon: two pagan cities, cursed by the prophets.)


Monday, July 11, 2016

Do Not Think That I Have Come To Establish Peace!

Hello! and happy good first day of the week to all of us, GUYS.  Our "food for the soul" this Monday:

THE GOOD NEWS (11 July 2016)
"Do not think that I have come to establish peace on earth.  I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.  For I have come to set a man against his father and daughter against her mother; a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.  Each one will have as enemies those of one's own family." - Matthew 10:34-36
Peace In An Unpeaceful World

(The peace of the believer comes from the certainty of being loved by GOD: the angels of Bethlehem said so: Luke 2:14.

JESUS gives no peace to the world, because the rest of the world is made up of confusion, half-truths, people who live midway between greed and fear of risking.  The peace of the world, whether in a family or in society, veils unjust conditions imposed by the strongest, or a shared mediocrity.  The Gospel awakens everywhere a critical spirit; so that the presence of only one Christian living by the truth is enough to worry many persons: John 3:20; 15:18.

The Gospel moves us to make decisions with greater freedom, disregarding the criticism of those close to us whenever we are convinced that they cannot understand the Gospel values which motivate us.  Take, for example, a pregnant girl resisting her parents' advice to obtain an abortion.  Christians have been persecuted in many countries for teaching that divine law is above parental authority, which was considered the supreme authority.  Thus it happened with the ancient Romans and, more recently, in Korea and China.

Moreover, the devil stirs up persecutions against every person who becomes converted, in order to scare her and make her turn away.)

Sunday, July 10, 2016

MY Commands Are Not Beyond Your Reach

Hi! and happy good holy and family day to all of us, GUYS.  Our first-thing-first this Sunday:

THE GOOD NEWS (10 July 2016)
"For you shall turn to YAHWEH, your GOD, with all your heart and with all your soul, and observe HIS commandments and norms, in a word, everything written in this book of the Law.
These commandments that I give you today are neither too high nor too far for you.  They are not in heaven that you should say: 'Who will go up to heaven to get these commandments that we may hear them and put them into practice.'  Neither are they at the other side of the sea for you to say: 'Who will cross to the other side and bring them to us, that we may hear them and put them into practice.'
On the contrary, my word is very near you; it is already in your mouth and in your heart, so that you can put it into practice. - Deuteronomy 30:10-14 

(These commands are not beyond your strength:  obedience to the will of GOD is the most natural way for those who are sincere.  MY word is very near you so that you can put it into practice; yet, no one will do so until he has received the "circumcision of the heart," that is, YAHWEH will make you pure and holy.  It is in your mouth.  This means: You know it by heart.)


Saturday, July 09, 2016

He Is Not Worthy Of ME!

Hello! and happy good weekend to all of us, GUYS.  For our "food for the soul" this Saturday:

THE GOOD NEWS (09 July 2016)
"Whoever loves father or mother more than ME is not worthy of ME.  And whoever loves son or daughter more than ME is not worthy of ME.  And whoever does not take up his cross and come after ME is not worthy of ME.  One who wants to benefit from his life will lose it; one who loses his life for MY sake will find it.
Whoever welcomes you welcomes ME, and whoever welcomes ME welcomes HIM who sent ME.  The one who welcomes a prophet as a prophet will receive the reward of a prophet; the one who welcomes a just man because he is a just man will receive the reward of a just man.  And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones, because he is a disciple of MINE, I assure you, he will not go unrewarded." - Matthew 10:37-42 

(JESUS addresses this to others besides missionaries or persons with an exceptional mission.  Each one must break away from forms of dependency within the family, which do not nurture the human and spiritual growth of the members.  One who loves CHRIST finds a thousand and one opportunities to free himself from activities, entertainments and worries about his own family, which keep both him and the family at a mediocre level.)