Sunday, October 31, 2021

We Are GOD's Children And We Must Live As Such

 "See what singular love the FATHER has for us: we are called children of GOD, and we really are.  This is why the world does not know us, because it did not know HIM.

Beloved, we are GOD's children, and what we shall be has not, yet, been shown.  Yet, when HE appears in HIS glory, we know, that we shall be like HIM, for, then, we shall see HIM as HE is.  All who have such a hope, try to be pure, as HE is pure." - 1 John 3:1-3

(Here begins the second part of the letter: we are GOD's children and we must live as such.  How do we prove that we are GOD's children?  According to same criteria that we have already seen: breaking away from sin, keeping the commandment of love, proclaiming our faith.  There are many ways of saying we are GOD's children.  One person might simply think: "GOD loves people" means that human beings have great dignity.  Here John calls our attention to two points:
- you are sons and daughters, but in order to become like GOD, do not seek anything else but to be perfect as GOD is perfect;
- you are children who will return to the FATHER.  Do you really think about the unique and transcendent end for which GOD has chosen you?  Being aware of this, let us understand that GOD purifies us in a thousand ways, because only in this way can we attain our goal.

We shall be like HIM: sharing all that GOD is and somehow becoming GOD with GOD [see 1 Corinthians 13:13].  Those who now bear their lives of suffering with CHRIST will be transfigured like HIM [Mark 9:2-3; Colossians 3:4].  Then the universe will reach its goal, having the children of GOD as its center [Romans 8:19] or better, the New Creature.)

Saturday, October 30, 2021


 "Fear YAHWEH, observe HIS commandments all the days of your life and HIS norms that I teach you today.  So also for your children and your children's children that they may live long.

Listen, then, Israel, observe these commandments and put them into practice.  If you do this, you will be well and you will multiply in this land flowing with milk and honey, as YAHWEH, the GOD of your fathers, promised you.

Listen, Israel: YAHWEH, our GOD, is One YAHWEH.  And you shall love YAHWEH, your GOD, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength.  Engrave on your heart the commandments that I pass on to you today." - Deuteronomy 6:2-6

(Listen Israel: YAHWEH, our GOD, is One YAHWEH.  These verses are the creed of the Jews: which they recite every day.  JESUS alludes to this text when they question HIM about the most important command.  See Mark 12:28.

You shall love YAHWEH, your GOD, with all your heart.  The love of GOD cannot be totally unselfish.  Israel knew that by responding to the love of GOD who chose them, they were on the right path and GOD would reward them with peace and material prosperity.

Engrave on your heart the commandments: keep them present in your mind to help you organize your thinking and to be able to judge everything according to these standards.)


A Biblical Proverb Inviting Us To Be Modest In Social Gatherings

 "One Sabbath JESUS had gone to eat a meal in the house of a leading Pharisee, and HE was carefully watched.

JESUS then told a parable to the guests, for HE had noticed how they tried to take the places of honor.  And HE said, 'When you are invited to a wedding party, do not choose the best seat.  It may happen that someone more important than you has been invited; and your host, who invited both of you, will come and say to you, 'Please give this person your place.'  What shame is yours when you take the lowest seat!

Whenever you are invited, go rather to the lowest seat, so that your host may come and say to you, 'Friend, you must come up higher.'  And this will be a great honor for you in the presence of all the other guests.  For whoever makes himself out to be great will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.'" - Luke 14:1. 7-11 

(Here JESUS develops a biblical proverb inviting us to be modest in social gatherings [Proverbs 25:6-7].  Such behavior befits GOD's children.  Whatever the area of human activity may be, we should let others seek the first place, while stepping on other people as they do so.  We know that what matters is not what is seen: GOD knows how to exalt the humble and place them where it best suits him.

Moreover, when we go from the earthly church to the kingdom of heaven, there will be changes in who occupies the first places.  Someone who was pope, or bishop or a prominent "Catholic" may count less than the little old lady who was selling newspapers.)


Thursday, October 28, 2021

Why Have The Jews Not Believed?

 "I tell you, sincerely, in CHRIST, and my conscience assures me in the Holy Spirit, that I am not lying: I have great sadness and constant anguish for the Jews.  I would even desire, that, I myself, suffer the curse of being cut off from CHRIST, instead of my brethren: I mean, my own people, my kin.  They are Israelites, whom GOD adopted, and on them, rests HIS glory.  Theirs, are the Covenants, the law, the worship and the promises of GOD.  They are descendants of the patriarchs, and from their race, CHRIST was born, HE, who, as GOD, is above all distinctions.  Blessed be HE forever and ever: Amen!" - Romans 9:1-5


(Paul, being a Jew, shares the worries of the few Jews who have believed in CHRIST.  Why did the chosen people not recognize their Savior?  If they were a chosen nation, why were so few selected?

It is the same worry of Catholic families when their children do not go to church or when teenagers declare they have lost their faith.  It is the same uneasiness we feel in the course of a mission: those who habitually go to church are perhaps the hardest to lead to conversion and are the ones that most obstruct the evangelization of outsiders.

Faith is not transmitted in heritage from father to son, mother to daughter.  There have certainly been times and cultural systems where a whole nation followed the same religion and apparently shared the same faith.  The Book of Acts shows how on several occasions the conversion of the head of the family brought about the baptism of the whole household [Acts 11:14; 16:33].  Faith however will always be a grace of GOD.  In our days people have acquired complete autonomy and live in a world where all beliefs meet: faith can no longer be a family possession.)


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

The Spiritual Sanctuary Of GOD

 "Now, you are no longer strangers or guests, but fellow citizens of the holy people: you are of the household of GOD.  You are the house, whose foundations are the apostles and prophets, and whose cornerstone is CHRIST JESUS.  In HIM, the whole structure is joined together, and rises, to be a holy temple, in the LORD.  In HIM, you, too, are being built, to become the spiritual Sanctuary of GOD." - Ephesians 2:19-22


(You are of the household of GOD.  In biblical language this means: to belong to GOD's family.  From there, Paul moves on to another image: you are the household, namely, the true Temple of GOD.  The community of believers form the Temple, or better, is being transformed into the Temple of GOD.

This imposing vision of the Church and our unity in the  Church will perhaps astonish many Christians of today who are usually more aware of their responsibilities towards the world than towards our antiquated Church.  Yet, of what Spirit shall we be bearers, and shall we do this work if we are not supported by a community?  Solidarity with those who share our options and our culture cannot replace participation in the Christian community.  There are probably many things in the Christian community we are not happy with.  However, it would be a bad sign if we were unable to recognize in it the truth that is missing in our non-Christian friends, and without which we would lose our reason for living.)


We Do Not Know How To Pray

 "Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes for us, without words, as if with groans.  And he, who sees inner secrets, knows the desires of the Spirit, for he asks for the holy ones, what is pleasing to GOD." - Romans 8:26-27

(We do not know how to pray.  We often think that we pray only when we are saying something and asking for things.  Paul shows that words are not as important as the deep desire of the Spirit of GOD within us.

The Spirit intercedes for us.  It is good to present our problems and worries to GOD, using words that the Spirit inspires. And still better when the Spirit invites us to remain in silent prayer and GOD communicates HIS peace to us.)


Monday, October 25, 2021

What Is The Kingdom Of GOD Like?

 "And JESUS continued, 'What is the kingdom of GOD like?  What shall I compare it to?  Imagine a person who has taken a mustard seed, and planted it in his garden.  The seed has grown, and become like a small tree, so that the birds of the air shelter in its branches.'

And JESUS said again, 'What is the kingdom of GOD like?  Imagine a woman who has taken yeast, and hidden it in three measures of flour, until it is all leavened.'" - Luke 13:18-21


(With the parable of the mustard seed JESUS shows us that the kingdom of GOD must be a sign; it has to be something very noticeable in the world.

Any spiritual aspiration, cultural innovation or revolutionary movement must be expressed concretely, through one or several institutions, to make it a clearer and more visible entity.  Likewise JESUS projects HIS Church as the bearer [not the owner] of the kingdom of GOD.  Church means: "Assembly of those called together."  Two of the characteristics of this Church are indicated here:
- first it must be very visible and fruitful for the world, like a tree giving shade to birds;
- secondly, it must  be immersed in human reality.

Believers are not to separate themselves from those who do not believe, for they are the yeast of the world.

JESUS does not want an "invisible Church," that is an emotional fellowship and spiritual communion among all those in the whole world who believe in HIM.  HE wants a gigantic tree [in another place JESUS says: a city built on a hill], so that everyone can recognize that the seed was good and full of life.  We need organized Christian communities, and ties between these communities, a hierarchy...  Nevertheless the  believers are not to enclose themselves or to spend all their energies working for "their" Church.  They must be useful and fruitful in the world together with all people of goodwill.

Let them be yeast for the dough, not small separate and finer dough.  The yeast transforms human history, not by bringing all people into the Church, but by infusing into human activity the spirit that gives life to humankind.)

Sunday, October 24, 2021

The Healing On A Sabbath Day

 "JESUS was teaching in a synagogue on the Sabbath, and a crippled woman was there.  An evil spirit had kept her bent for eighteen years, so that she could not straighten up at all.  On seeing her, JESUS called her and said, 'Woman, you are freed from your infirmity.'  Then HE laid HIS hands upon her, and immediately she was made straight and praised GOD.

But the ruler of the synagogue was indignant, because JESUS had performed this healing on the Sabbath day, and he said to the people, 'There are six days in which to work.  Come on those days to  e healed, and not on the Sabbath!'

But the LORD replied, 'You hypocrites!  Everyone of you unties his ox or his donkey on the Sabbath, and leads it out of the barn to give it water.  And here you have a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan had bound for eighteen years.  Should she not be freed from her bonds on the Sabbath?'

When JESUS said this, all HIS opponents felt ashamed.  But the people rejoiced at the many wonderful things that happened because of HIM." - Luke 13:10-17

(The word untie was used by the Jews to express that someone's sin or penalty was canceled.  It also meant freeing an animal from its yoke.  JESUS frees the human person and invites us to follow HIS example.

We should not be surprised at the indignation of the chief of the synagogue.  Since he had never been able to help his sick sister, he must have felt discredited by JESUS' move.  Would it not be the same with us?  It never occurred to JESUS to ask the authorities for permission to save people.)


Saturday, October 23, 2021

The Blind Man Of Jericho

 "They came to Jericho.  As JESUS was leaving Jericho with HIS disciples and a large crowd, a blind beggar, Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, was sitting by the roadside.  On hearing that it was JESUS of Nazareth passing by, he began to call out, 'Son of David, JESUS, have mercy on me!'  Many people scolded him and told him to keep quiet, but he shouted all the louder, 'Son of David, have mercy on me!'

JESUS stopped and said, 'Call him.'  So they called the blind man, saying, 'Take heart!  Get up, HE is calling you!'  He immediately threw aside his cloak, jumped up and went to JESUS.

Then JESUS asked him, 'What do you want ME to do for you?'  The blind man said, 'Master, let me see again!'  And JESUS said to him, 'Go your way, your faith has made you well.'  And, immediately, he could see, and he followed JESUS along the road." - Mark 10:46-52

(GOD is the one who moves us to ask something of HIM.  The blind man understands that if he lets this opportunity go by, there will not be another chance, which is why he shouts all the more while the rest try to silence him.

Son of David was a way of designating the Messiah.)


The Fig Tree Without Fruit

 "One day, some people told JESUS what had occurred in the temple: Pilate had had Galileans killed, and their blood mingled with the blood of their sacrifices.  JESUS asked them, 'Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered this?  No, I tell you.  But unless you change your ways, you will all perish, as they did.

And those eighteen persons in Siloah, who were crushed when the tower fell, do you think they were more guilty than all the others in Jerusalem?  I tell you: no.  But unless you change your ways, you will all perish, as they did.'

And JESUS continued, 'A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, and he came looking for fruit on it, but found none.  Then he said to the gardener, 'Look here, for three years now I have been looking for figs on this tree, and I have found none.  Cut it down, why should it continue to deplete the soil?'  The gardener replied, 'Leave it one more year, so that I may dig around it and add some fertilizer; perhaps it will bear fruit from now on.  But if it doesn't, you can cut it down.''" - Luke 13:1-9

(In this passage JESUS questions the idea we have of GOD's punishment.  We cannot believe in GOD without believing in justice.  For the Greeks whose gods were capricious and not very honest, justice was a divine power superior to the gods.  We always tend to make ourselves the center of the world and believe we are better than others.  If misfortune falls on someone else, we think it is just, but when it is our turn, we ask: "What have I done against GOD that this should happen to me?"

The Gospel deals with several aspects of the question.  First of all let us try to be free of a ghetto mentality [see 6:32]: the evil done by our enemies is not worse than the evil we do.

The justice of GOD goes far beyond our justice, and is only really fulfilled in the next life [the case of Lazarus, 16:19].

The misfortune, which to us here below appears as the "punishment of GOD," is no more than a sign, a pedagogical measure used by GOD to make us aware of the sin.  And GOD often converts a sinner by granting him unexpected favors [see the case of Zaccheus, 19:1].

Then why is there so much about GOD's punishment in the Old Testament?  GOD's people did not know yet an afterlife, so it was necessary to speak of GOD's punishments in this life, for these people to believe in HIS justice.  In fact GOD continues to give such signs both for persons and for communities.  It is good to know how to recognize them, keeping in mind they are not the last word of GOD's justice.)


Thursday, October 21, 2021

When You Go With Your Accuser Before The Court, Try To Settle The Case On The Way

 "JESUS said to the crowds, 'When you see a cloud rising in the west, you say at once, 'A shower is coming'; and so it happens.  And when the wind blows from the south, you say, 'It will be hot'; and so it is.  You superficial people!  You understand the signs of the earth and the sky, but you don't understand the present times.  And why do you not judge for yourselves what is fit?  When you go with your accuser before the court, try to settle the case on the way, lest he drag you before the judge, and the judge deliver you to the jailer, and the jailer throw you into prison.  I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the very last penny.'" - Luke 12:54-59


(When you see a cloud.  The signs which are seen around JESUS are enough for everyone to understand that now is the time announced by the prophets, when people must be converted and Israel must acknowledge its Savior: tomorrow will be too late.

When you go with your accuser before the court.  In Matthew's Gospel this refers to reconciliation between brothers and sisters.  Luke, instead, uses this phrase in reference to our conversion.  We are on our way to GOD's judgment and it is the same as going before the authorities; therefore we must take advantage of the time given to us to straighten out our situation.  We must not waste this moment when we can be saved from Judgment by believing in CHRIST's message.)


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Christian's Life Must Appear Like Slavery To Whoever Looks At It Externally

 "You see, that I speak in a very human way, taking into account that you are not fully mature.

There was a time, when you let your members be slaves of impurity and disorder, walking in the way of sin; convert them, now, into servants of righteousness, to the point of becoming holy.

When you were slaves of sin, you did not feel under obligation to righteousness, but what were the fruits of those actions, of which you are now ashamed?  Such things bring death.  Now, however, you have been freed from sin and serve GOD.  You are bearing fruit, and growing in holiness, and the result will be life everlasting.  So, on one side is sin: its reward, death; on the other side, is GOD: HE gives us, by grace, life everlasting, in CHRIST JESUS, our LORD." - Romans 6:19-23


(In Paul's time there were cases of slaves being exchanged by owners.  A free person with debts could sell himself to his creditor in payment of his debts.  The comparison used by Paul teaches us to be meekly at the disposal of the Spirit, as slaves who are not owners of their own persons.  Let us look at what the Spirit advises before making any decision.

The Christian's life must appear like slavery to whoever looks at it externally.  Yet the Christian feels and knows himself to be free.  The best example might be that of a mother totally dedicated to her sick child: she is totally free, because she has no other law than her love.)


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Do Not Allow Sin Any Control Over Your Mortal Bodies

 "Do not allow sin any control over your mortal bodies; do not submit yourselves to its evil inclinations, and do not give your members over to sin, as instruments to do evil.  On the contrary, offer yourselves, as persons returned from death to life, and let the members of your body be as holy instruments, at the service of GOD.  Sin will not lord it over you again, for you are not under the law, but under grace.

I ask again: are we to sin because we are not under the law, but under grace?  Certainly not.  If you have given yourselves up to someone as his slave, you are to obey the one who commands you, aren't you?  Now, with sin, you go to death, and by accepting faith, you go to the right way.  Let us give thanks to GOD, for, after having sin as your master, you have been given to another, that is, to the doctrine of faith, to which you listen willingly.  And being free from sin, you began to serve true righteousness--" - Romans 6:12-18


(Do not allow sin any control over your mortal bodies.  The faithful, although conscious of belonging totally to CHRIST, commit sins every day.  Their sins, however, do not deprive them of what is most important, trust in the FATHER, which allows them to stand up after each fall [1 John 2:1].  They know that they are and always will be sinners whom GOD forgives, as long as they try to amend and be better.  We achieve freedom day by day by voluntarily submitting to the requirements of a better life.)


Monday, October 18, 2021

Be Ready

 "Be ready, dressed for service, and keep your lamps lit, like people waiting for their master to return from the wedding.  As soon as he comes and knocks, they will open the door to him.  Happy are those servants whom the master finds wide-awake when he comes.  Truly, I tell you, he will put on an apron, and have them sit at table, and he will wait on them.  Happy are those servants, if he finds them awake when he comes at midnight or day break!" - Luke 12:35-38


(Happy are those servants whom the master finds wide-awake.  Wide-awake, that is, concerned about tomorrow's world.  Wide-awake also means being aware of the truth; we do not consent to call "good" evil, and 'evil' good; we do not forgive ourselves for allowing evil and we are not intimidated before injustice.)


Preach The Word

 "In the presence of GOD and CHRIST JESUS, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by the hope I have of HIS coming, and HIS kingdom, I urge you to preach the word, in season and out of season, reproving, rebuking, or advising, always with patience, and providing instruction.  For the time is coming, when people will no longer endure sound doctrine, but, following their passions, they will surround themselves with teachers to please their itching ears.  And they will abandon the truth to hear fables.  So be prudent, do not mind your labor, give yourself to your work as an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

As for me, I am already poured out as a libation, and the moment of my departure has come.  I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Now, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, with which the LORD, the just judge, will reward me, on that day, and not only me, but all those who have longed for HIS glorious coming." - Luke 4:1-8


(Preach the Word: this is Paul's last advice.  It must be the first concern of the Church and of any church leader.

Paul knows that he will not be freed and that he will be condemned to death.  He embraces his own sacrifice just as JESUS did.

We find the comparison of the soldier and the athlete that Paul liked so much.  In those days athletes received a crown of laurels as a symbol of immortality: As for me, I am already poured out as a libation, and the moment of my departure has come.)


Saturday, October 16, 2021

CHRIST Is Our High Priest

 "We have a great high priest, JESUS, the Son of GOD, who has entered heaven.  Let us, then, hold fast to the faith we profess.  Our high priest is not indifferent to our weaknesses, for HE was tempted, in every way, just as we are, yet, without sinning.  Let us, then, with confidence, approach the throne of grace.  We will obtain mercy and, through HIS favor, help in due time." - Hebrews 4:14-16 

(For the Jews, the high priest--despite his personal defects--was a sacred person protecting the people from the punishment deserved by their sins.  The people needed not only leaders to govern them, but an advocate before GOD.  Aaron, Moses' brother, the first priest of the Jews, had been such a man.  His successors, the high priests, were to be the same.

This idea is developed here: the high priest is the people's representative before GOD, and he must be weak as they are but accepted by GOD.  CHRIST is just that and perfectly so.  Forgetting that JESUS is a man among humans is as serious for the faith as forgetting that HE is the Son of GOD.

It is helpful to look at the role of CHRIST, the high priest, at this time when the Church reminds us that all the faithful are associated with the priestly role of CHRIST.  We must represent humanity before GOD; we are consecrated to GOD for that purpose.

In the Eucharist we thank GOD in the name of everyone.  In daily life we must be instruments of the grace of GOD by being people who promote truth, encourage love and establish peaceful relationships.)


There Will Be Pardon For The One Who Criticizes The Son Of Man, But There Will Be No Pardon For The One Who Slanders The Holy Spirit

 "'I tell you, whoever acknowledges ME before people, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of GOD.  But the one who denies ME before others will be denied before the angels of GOD.

There will be no pardon for the one who criticizes the Son of Man, but there will be no pardon for the one who slanders the Holy Spirit.

When you are brought before the synagogues, and before governors and rulers, don't worry about how you will defend yourself, or what to say; for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you have to say.'" - Luke 12:8-12 

(The one who criticizes the Son of Man: To slander [or: to blaspheme] the Holy Spirit is to attribute to a bad spirit a work that is manifestly good.  Those who systematically attribute bad intentions to good work done by others, by the Church, by other parties, sin against the Holy Spirit.  The one who recognizes the truth but not GOD is better off than the one who says he believes in GOD but does not recognize the truth.)


Thursday, October 14, 2021

Nothing Is Hidden That Will Not Be Made Known

 "Meanwhile, such a numerous crowd had gathered that they crushed one another.  Then JESUS spoke to HIS disciples in this way.

'Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.  Nothing is covered that will not be uncovered; or hidden, that will not be made known.  Whatever you have said in darkness will be heard in daylight, and what you have whispered in hidden places, will be proclaimed from housetops.

I tell you, MY friends, do not fear those who put to death the body and, after that, can do no more.  But I will tell you whom to fear: Fear the one who, after killing you, is able to throw you into hell.  This one you must fear.  Don't you buy five sparrows for two pennies?  Yet not one of them has been forgotten by GOD.  Even the hairs of your head have been numbered.  Don't be afraid!  Are you less worthy in the eyes of GOD than many sparrows?'" - Luke 12:1-7

(Nothing is hidden that will not be made known: this could be interpreted in different ways.  In these paragraphs, JESUS refers to the courageous testimony of faith.  We have to speak the truth without worrying about what people will think of us.  Here hypocrisy is attributed to those who are always trying to be diplomatic, and whose primary concern is not to lose friends.)


Wednesday, October 13, 2021

One Of The Reasons Why So Many Simple People Go To Other Churches

 "'A curse is on you, for you build monuments to the prophets your ancestors killed.  So you approve and agree with what your ancestors did.  Is it not so?  They got rid of the prophets, and you build monuments to them!

For that reason the wisdom of GOD also said: I will send prophets and apostles and these people will kill and persecute some of them.  But the present generation will have to answer for the blood of all the prophets that has been shed since the foundation of the world, from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who was murdered between the altar and the Sanctuary.  Yes, I tell you, the people of this time will have to answer for them all.

A curse is on you, teachers of the law, for you have taken the key of knowledge.  You yourselves have not entered, and you prevented others from entering.'

As JESUS left that place, the teachers of the law and the Pharisees began to harass HIM, asking HIM endless questions, setting traps to catch HIM in something HE might say." - Luke 11:47-54


(Those who, before Luke, wrote down this saying of JESUS: I will send prophets... [which we also read in Matthew 23:34], introduced it with the formula: "Wisdom says," which was a way of designating JESUS.  When Luke placed these lines within JESUS' discourse, he forgot to take out these words.  Removing them would have made the text a lot clearer.

JESUS states that the Pharisees and the teachers of the law will be mainly responsible for the persecution against the first Christians [against those apostles and prophets HE is going to send].

The warning of JESUS is equally relevant for Christian institutions and all those who in one way or another guide the community.  We too, perhaps, build a church for the "elite" who unconsciously despise the poor and the lowly.  So very quickly were the prophets paralyzed or eliminated.

You yourselves have not entered, and you prevented others from entering.  Is not this one of the reasons why so many simple people go to other churches?)


The Reproaches JESUS Addressed To The Pharisees

 "'A curse is on you, Pharisees!  To the temple you give a tenth of all, including mint and rue and other herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of GOD.  These ought to be practiced, without neglecting the other obligations.  A curse is on you, Pharisees, for you love the best seats in the synagogues and to be greeted in the marketplace.  A curse is on you, for you are like tombstones of the dead which can hardly be seen; people don't notice them, and make themselves unclean by stepping on them.'

Then a teacher of the law spoke up and said, 'Master, when YOU speak like this, YOU insult us, too.'  And JESUS answered, 'A curse is on you also, teachers of the law.  For you prepare unbearable burdens and load them on the people, while you yourselves do not move a finger to help them.'" - Luke 11:42-46 

(Then we read about the reproaches JESUS addressed to the Pharisees on various occasions.  If Luke like Matthew has kept these very hard words of JESUS, it was perhaps a reminder that the Gospel goes much further than the vision of the Pharisees, so concerned, as they claimed, for the service of GOD.  Some of them were part of the first Christian community, and were influential [Acts 15:5].  Doubtless, the hostile attitude adopted by the party of the Pharisees in the following years accounts for the remembrance of these reproaches.  There are surely others and deeper reasons for the many warnings we read in Scripture about Pharisees.

Entering the New Covenant is a free gift from GOD.  It is also a gift from GOD to possess a good knowledge of Christian doctrine, or exercise a special ministry in the Church, or belong to a Christian group committed for their faith.  Nevertheless there is always the danger to behave as an elite group, thus losing the true humility that should lead us to occupy the last places, where we really should be.)


Monday, October 11, 2021

Why Do They Not Pay More Attention To Inner Purification?

 "As JESUS was speaking, a Pharisee asked HIM to have a meal with him.  So HE went and sat at table.  The Pharisee then wondered why JESUS did not first wash HIS hands before dinner.  But the LORD said to him, 'So then, you Pharisees, you clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside yourselves you are full of greed and evil.  Fools!  HE who made the outside, also made the inside.  But according to you, by the mere giving of alms everything is made clean.'" - Luke 11:37-41


(Scripture does not demand these ritual purifications that Mark also mentions in 7:3, but the teachers of JESUS' time insisted that they were necessary.  JESUS rebels against these new religious obligations.  Why do they not pay more attention to inner purification?)


"People Of The Present Time Are Troubled People"

 "As the crowd increased, JESUS spoke the following words: 'People of the present time are troubled people.  They ask for a sign, but no sign will be given to them except the sign of Jonah.  As Jonah became a sign for the people of Nineveh, so will the Son of Man be a sign for this generation.  The Queen of the South will rise up on Judgment Day with the people of these times and accuse them, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and here, there is greater than Solomon.  The people of Nineveh will rise up on Judgment Day with the people of these times and accuse them, for Jonah's preaching made them turn from their sins, and here, there is greater than Jonah.'" - Luke 11:29-3

(The Ninevites, being sinners, received no other divine sign than the coming of Jonah, who invited them to repent.  JESUS' contemporaries believe they are "good" because they belong to the people of GOD, and they do not realize that the hour has come for them to repent as well.

The people of Nineveh will rise up with these people and accuse them.  JESUS again uses the traditional image of collective judgment where each one excuses himself by pointing out that others have done worse.  This image retains a deep truth: all that GOD has given to each one of us should produce fruits for all humanity.)


Saturday, October 09, 2021

I Prayed And Wisdom Was Given To Me

 "I prayed and understanding was given to me; I asked earnestly and the spirit of Wisdom came to me.

I preferred her to scepters and thrones and I considered wealth as nothing compared with her.

I preferred her to any jewel of inestimable value, since gold beside her is nothing but a few grains of sand, and silver but mud.  I loved her more than wealth and beauty and even preferred her to light, because her radiance never dies.

She brought with her all other good things, untold riches in her hands." - Wisdom 7:7-11

(All this page is an invitation to seek Wisdom as one would seek a spouse: we remember that at this time sovereign rulers would "espouse" such and such divinity which allowed them at times to take possession, in the name of their spouse, of the treasures in its temple [2 Maccabees 1:14].  Seeking the Wisdom of GOD is no different from what we do when we speak of union with CHRIST: we must not forget that HE is uncreated Wisdom.  This communion is not a matter of something sentimental: it is the costly and never-ending search for the one who is the Truth.

I preferred her to any jewel of inestimable value.  See Matthew 13:44-45.)


Friday, October 08, 2021

Blessed Is The One Who Gave YOU Birth!

 "As JESUS was speaking, a woman spoke from the crowd and said to HIM, 'Blessed is the one who gave you birth and nursed YOU!  JESUS replied, 'Truly blessed are those who hear the word of GOD, and keep it as well.'" - Luke 11:27-28 

(Blessed is the one who gave YOU birth!  This woman envies the mother of JESUS and is full of admiration for HIS way of speaking.  She is mistaken if she thinks that JESUS' relatives can be proud on HIS account, and she is wasting her time if she admires HIS words instead of making them her own.  So JESUS turns her towards the FATHER, whose word  HE gives, and to herself, whom GOD invites to the family of HIS sons and daughters.

As for Mary, the mother of JESUS, the one who believed [1:45], she kept all the words and deeds of the LORD in her heart [Luke 2:51].)


JESUS And Beelzebul

 "Yet some of them said, 'HE drives out demons by the power of Beelzebul, the chief of the demons.'  Others wanted to put HIM to the test, by asking HIM for a heavenly sign.

But JESUS knew their thoughts, and said to them, 'Every nation divided by civil war is on the road to ruin, and will fall.  If Satan also is divided, his empire is coming to an end.  How can you say that I drive out demons by calling upon Beelzebul?  If I drive them out by Beelzebul, by whom do your sons drive out demons?  They will be your judges, then.

But if I drive out demons by the finger of GOD; would not this mean that the kingdom of GOD has come upon you?  As long as a man, strong and well armed, guards his house, his goods are safe.  But when a stronger man attacks and overcomes him, the challenger takes away all the weapons he relied on, and disposes of his spoils.

Whoever is not with ME is against ME, and whoever does not gather with ME, scatters.'" - Luke 11:15-23 

(By the finger of GOD.  In Exodus 8:15 the same expression is used to designate the power of GOD working miracles.

Whoever is not with ME...  This phrase seems to contradict Luke 9:50: Who is not against you is for you.  In fact, in Luke 9:50 JESUS admits that HIS spiritual family goes much beyond the visible group of HIS disciples: those who, without belonging to the church, work for the same goals, must be considered as friends.

In Luke 11:23, on the other hand, JESUS speaks of people who refuse to stand with HIM and HIS message and who want to remain uncommitted: they do not join HIM, and later they will criticize HIM.)


Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Knock And It Will Be Opened To You

 "JESUS said to them, 'Suppose one of you has a friend, and goes to his house in the middle of the night and says, 'Friend, lend me three loaves, for a friend of mine who is traveling has just arrived, and I have nothing to offer him.'  Maybe your friend will answer from inside, 'Don't bother me now; the door is locked, and my children and I are in bed, so I can't get up and give you anything.  But I tell you, even though he will not get up and attend to you because you are a friend, yet he will get up because you are a brother to him, and he will give you all you need.

And so I say to you, 'Ask, and it will  be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will  be opened to you.  For the one who asks receives, and the one who searches finds, and to him who knocks the door will be opened.

If your child asks for a fish, will you give him a snake instead?  And if your child asks for an egg, will you give him a scorpion?  If you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly FATHER give the Holy Spirit to those who ask HIM.'" - Luke 11:5-13 

(JESUS urges us to ask with perseverance without ever getting tired of asking but, rather, "tiring" GOD.  GOD will not always give us what we ask for, nor in the way we ask, since we do not know what is good for us.  HE will give us a holy spirit, or a clearer vision of HIS will and, at the same time, the courage to follow it.

Knock and it will be opened to you.  A page from Father Molinie is a commentary on this verse.  If GOD does not open up at once, it is not because HE enjoys making us wait.  If we must persevere in prayer, it is not because we need a set number of invocations, but rather because a certain quality, a certain way of prayer is required.  If we were able to have that at the beginning, our prayer would be heard immediately...")


Tuesday, October 05, 2021

LORD, Teach Us To Pray

 "One day, JESUS was praying in a certain place; and when HE had finished, one of HIS disciples said to HIM, 'LORD, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.'  And JESUS said to them, 'When you pray, say this:

FATHER, may YOUR name be held holy,
may YOUR kingdom come;
give us, each day, the kind of  bread we need,
and forgive us our sins; for we also forgive all who do us wrong;
and do not  bring us to the test.'" - Luke 11:1-4

(The apostles already knew how to pray and they prayed in common, as all the Jews did, in the synagogue and at key times during the day.  Yet, in living close to JESUS they discovered a new way to live in close fellowship and they felt a need to address the FATHER differently.  JESUS waited for them to ask HIM to teach them how to pray.  See Matthew 6:9.)

Monday, October 04, 2021

Prayer Of Repentance And Trust

 "Out of the depths I cry to YOU, O YAHWEH,
O YAHWEH, hear my voice!
Let YOUR ears pay attention
to the voice of my supplication.

If YOU should mark our evil,
O YAHWEH, who could stand?
But with YOU, is forgiveness,
and for that, YOU are revered.

O Israel, hope in YAHWEH,
for with HIM, is unfailing love
and with HIM full deliverance.
HE will deliver Israel
from all its sins."
- Psalm 130:1-2. 3-4. 7-8

(The psalmist, aware of HIS people's faithfulness, is equally sure of GOD's answer to repentance [cf. Nehemiah 1:7-9].  Israel was still waiting, when Simeon took the child in his arms and said: 'My eyes have seen YOUR salvation' [Luke 2:30].  He held the Infant Son of Man, who came to give HIS life for the redemption of many [Mark 10:45]--'with the LORD, fullness of redemption.'  But since this has come, how can we Christians still await it?  How can we sing the psalm?  Because, though called, we are not yet chosen, though heirs, we do not yet enjoy the inheritance.  Out of  these depths, our call must be constant and, if it is constant, it may be confident also.  And there are some whose waiting is a purifying fire.  This, more than any other, is their psalm.)

Sunday, October 03, 2021

The Good Samaritan

 "Then a teacher of the law came and began putting JESUS to the test.  And he said, 'Master, what shall I do to receive eternal life?'  JESUS replied, 'What is written in the law?  How do you understand it?'  The man answered, 'It is written: You shall love the LORD your GOD with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind.  And you shall love your neighbor as yourself.'  JESUS replied, 'What a good answer!  Do this and you shall live.'  The man wanted to justify his question, so he asked, 'Who is my neighbor?'

JESUS then said, 'There was a man going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell into the hands of robbers.  They stripped him, beat him and went off, leaving him half-dead.

It happened that a priest was going along that road and saw the man, but passed by on the other side.  Likewise a Levite saw the man, and passed by on the other side.  But a Samaritan also was going that way; and when he came upon the man, he was moved with compassion.  He went over to him, and cleaned his wounds with oil and wine, and wrapped them in bandages.  Then he put him on his own mount, and brought him to an inn, where he took care of him.

The next day, he had to set off; but he gave two silver coins to the innkeeper, and said, 'Take care of him, and whatever you spend on him, I will repay when I return.''

JESUS then asked, 'Which of these three, do you think, made himself neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?'  The teacher of the law answered, 'The one who had mercy on him.'  And JESUS said, 'Then go and do the same.'" - Luke 10:25-37 

(Who is my neighbor?  The teacher of the law expected to be given the precise limits of his obligation.  Whom was he supposed to look after?  Members of his family?  People of his own race?  Or perhaps everybody?

It is significant that JESUS concludes HIS story with a different question: Which of these three made himself neighbor?  It is as if HE said: do not try to figure out who is your neighbor, listen instead to the call within you, and become a neighbor, be close to your brother or sister in need.  As long as we see the command to love as an obligation, we are not loving as GOD wants.

Love does not consist simply in being moved by another person's distress.  Notice how the Samaritan stopped by in spite of it being a dangerous place, how he paid for the expenses and promised to take care of whatever else might be necessary.  Instead of just 'being charitable' he took unconditional and uncalculated risks for a stranger.

With this example, JESUS also makes us see that, many times, those who seem to be religious officials, or who believe they fulfill the law, are incapable of loving.  It was a Samaritan, considered a heretic by the Jews, who took care of the wounded man.

For the Jews, neighbors were the members of Israel, their own people, dignified by sharing the same religion; in fact, this familial relationship came from "flesh and blood."  For JESUS, true love leads one to give up any discrimination.)


GOD Thought It Fitting To Make Perfect Through Suffering The Initiator, JESUS, Of Our Salvation

 "But JESUS, who suffered death, and for a little while, was placed lower than the angels, has been crowned, with honor and glory.  For the merciful plan of GOD demanded that HE experience death, on behalf of everyone.

GOD, from whom all come, and by whom all things exist, wanted to bring many children to glory, and HE thought it fitting to make perfect, through suffering, the initiator of their salvation.  So, HE who gives, and those who receive holiness, are one.  HE, HIMSELF, is not ashamed of calling us  brothers and sisters..." - Hebrews 2:9-11 

(All the history of JESUS is then both HIS and ours.  HE thought it fitting to make perfect through suffering the initiator of their salvation.  There is no other way to human liberation than the way of the cross.  Those who are eager to free others must be tested, some through opposition, others through indifference.  Suffering is a good teacher and it tests the strength of our surrender.

It is on the cross of CHRIST that we must discover the love of the FATHER for HIS Son, since HE did not "condemn HIM" to suffer on earth, but rather, by way of suffering, HE called HIM to be the Savior and model for everyone.)


Friday, October 01, 2021

JESUS Gives Thanks To The FATHER

 "The seventy-two disciples returned full of joy.  They said, 'LORD, even the demons obeyed us when we called on YOUR name.'  Then JESUS replied, 'I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.  You see, I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the Enemy, so that nothing will harm you.  Nevertheless, don't rejoice because the evil spirits submit to you; rejoice, rather, that your names are written in heaven.'

At that time, JESUS was filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, and said, 'I praise YOU, FATHER, LORD of heaven and earth, for YOU have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and made them known to little ones.  Yes, FATHER, such has been YOUR gracious will.  I have been given all things by MY FATHER, so that no one knows the Son except the FATHER, and no one knows the FATHER except the Son, and he to whom the Son chooses to reveal HIM.'

Then JESUS  turned to HIS disciples and said to them privately, 'Fortunate are you to see what you see, for I tell you, that many prophets and kings would have liked to see what you see, but did not see it; and to hear what you hear, but did not hear it.'" - Luke 10:17-24 

(At first, the person who preaches CHRIST and works for HIM is scared.  Then follows the joy of having surpassed oneself, and even more the joy of having believed and worked with the very power of JESUS.  JESUS gives thanks for the seventy [or seventy-two] and for all those who will follow them.

What are these things that GOD has revealed to the little ones but the mysterious power of the Gospel to transform people and show them the truth?  The apostles marvel at the power coming from the name of JESUS [Mark 16:17].  JESUS underlines the defeat of the Adversary, Satan.

The learned and the clever think they know, but do not know what is essential.  They speak of a God who is no more than a shadow of the true GOD as long as they do not recognize HIM in JESUS.  They do not know where the world is heading because they do not see how GOD's power is working wherever JESUS is being proclaimed.

The little ones, on the other hand, have understood.  Before they saw themselves as a sacrificed generation.  For the little ones are used to sacrificing themselves for their children from generation to generation, or they are sacrificed by powers, under the pretext of bringing happiness to their descendants.  They did not live for themselves, rather they were preparing a place for others.  Now the little ones, namely, the humble believers, have everything if they have JESUS, the FATHER has given everything to HIM.

Little ones live their faith in simple ways but they know that none of their sacrifices are lost.  It is JESUS who reveals the FATHER to us and, knowing HIM in truth, we also share in HIS control over events.  Our desires and our prayers are powerful because we have come to the center from which GOD directs the forces saving humankind: because we work for eternity, our names are already written in heaven.

To evangelize does not mean to try to sell the Gospel but rather to prove its power to heal people from their demons.  We need not become activists in order to accomplish that.  We must admit that we have no power in these things and we must give thanks to GOD who enabled us to see, to hear and to communicate HIS salvation.

Fortunate are you to see... Stop being envious of famous people, kings and prophets of the past.  You who are alive now, and who are neither kings nor prophets, have been given the better part.)
