Thursday, August 06, 2015


When I was young, my obsession was to praise, love, and serve the ALMIGHTY and my fellowmen, as a clergy; but, destiny didn't make it so. I spent my entire mortal prime years serving the materialistic corporate world. Now, that I'm not getting young any longer and retired, as such, my conscience is telling me, "Hey, it's never too late to do what you wished before even if you are just a laity!"

So, GUYS, I asked my inner self of what I can, humbly and in my own little way, do before I leave this mortal life and attain the grace of eternal life hereafter. To share the GOOD NEWS via all possible social media platforms is the one I opted to tread.
"Open your mouth and I shall fill it......'If my people would listen to me, I would subdue their enemies'." - Psalm 81:6, 14
(We lack dynamism to evangelize and change the world: this is because we still have idols even in our apostolate planning.)

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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