Thursday, August 06, 2015

The Kingdom of Heaven

“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It is smaller than all other seeds, but once it has fully grown, it is bigger than any garden plant; like a tree, the birds come and rest in its branches.
The kingdom of heaven is like the yeast that a woman took and buried in three measures of flour until the whole mass of dough began to rise”. -  Matthew 13:31-33

(Any spiritual aspiration, cultural innovation or revolutionary movement must be expressed concretely, through one or several institutions, to make it clearer and more visible entity. Likewise JESUS projects his Church as the bearer (not the owner) of the kingdom of GOD. Church means: “Assembly of those called together.” Two of the characteristics of this Church are indicated here:
• First, it must be very visible and fruitful for the world, like a tree giving shade to birds;
• Secondly, it must be immersed in human reality.
The yeast transforms human history, not by bringing all people into the Church, but by infusing into human activity the spirit that gives life to humankind.)
A full-grown tree from the smallest seed--- a mustard seed!

The dough transformed by the yeast to bread!

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