Thursday, August 13, 2015


Hi! and good Thursday morning, GUYS.  Our today's "daily bread":
THE GOOD NEWS (13 August 2015)
"Then Peter asked HIM, 'LORD, how many times must I forgive the offenses of my brother or sister?  Seven times?'  JESUS answered, 'No, not seven times, but seventy-seven times'." - Matthew 18:21-22
(Forgiveness must replace the thirst for revenge.  The offenses we suffer from our companions are nothing, compared with our offenses against GOD.  While GOD forgives all, we do not even give others enough breathing space.  GOD does not demand HIS rights, but we, in demanding them, behave like wicked servants.
This parable goes beyond personal problems.  The world needs, above everything else, the forgiveness of GOD, and those who want a more just society will not achieve it through accusations and hatred.
The parable helps us understand much better another verse in the Bible.  Revenge is mine, says the LORD; I will pay each one according to his own conduct.  GOD will not demand an account regarding HIS own rights, (what we owe HIM), but regarding the rights of the little ones who, unable to pay, were deprived of them.  HE will also demand an accounting regarding those who were sorry for their sins but not forgiven by others.
The Church has not always been as holy as she should have been.  Yet nobody can deny that, at all times, in the Church the mercy of GOD has been preached and people have learned to forgive.) 

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