Sunday, August 23, 2015

4th Sunday, August 2015

Hi! and happy 4th Sunday of August, GUYS.  Our today's "food for the soul":

          1st Reading  :  Joshua 24:1-18
          Psalm           :  Psalm 34:2-23
          2nd Reading :  Ephesians 5:21-32
          Gospel          :  John 6:60-69


"I will bless the LORD all my days; HIS praise will be ever on my lips...
I sought the LORD, and HE answered me; from all my fears HE delivered me...
Oh, see and taste the goodness of the LORD!  Blessed is the one who finds shelter in HIM...
The LORD hears the cry of the righteous and rescues them from all their troubles...
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves the distraught." - Psalm 34:2, 5, 9, 18-19
(Let our experience be that of the poor and the humble.  GOD is near to those who have no other support but HIM.  When there will be no assurance, GOD will be obliged to take charge of those whom HE owes fidelity.)

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