Friday, August 14, 2015


Hello! and good TGIF day, GUYS.  As usual, our today's conscience on "married life":
THE GOOD NEWS (14 August 2015)
"Some Pharisees approached JESUS.  They wanted to test HIM and asked, 'Is a man allowed to divorce his wife for any reason he wants?' 
JESUS replied, 'Have you not read that in the beginning the CREATOR made them male and female, and HE said:  Man has now to leave father and mother, and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one body?  So they are no longer two but one body; let no one separate what GOD has joined." - Matthew 19:3-6
(Every human society has had its laws on marriage, and it was the same for Israel.  There was then a law on divorce, in harmony with the difference of status accorded by society to man and woman; it was in Scripture [Deuteronomy 24:1].  JESUS does not want to be involved in the discussions of teachers and interpreters of the Law; HE opposes this law with another word of Scripture which presents GOD's point of view regarding human attitudes which HE tolerates.
In doing this, JESUS shows how he brings the Law to "perfection", but clearly this "law of GOD" can only be heard by those who have received the Spirit from JESUS, a fact that is emphasized in the reaction of the disciples.)

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