Friday, May 05, 2017

I Have Seen The LORD

"Mary stood weeping outside the tomb; and as she wept, she bent down to look inside.  She saw two angels in white, sitting where the body of JESUS had been, one at the head, and the other at the feet.  They said, 'Woman, why are you weeping?'  She answered, 'Because they have taken my LORD and I don't know where they have put HIM.'
As she said this, she turned around and saw JESUS standing there, but she did not recognize HIM.  JESUS said to her, 'Woman, why are you weeping?  Who are you looking for?'  She thought it was the gardener and answered HIM, 'Sir, if you have taken HIM away, tell me where you have put HIM, and I will go and take HIM away.'
JESUS said to her, 'Mary!'  She turned and said to HIM, 'Rabboni!' - which means Master.  JESUS said to her, 'Do not touch ME, because I have not yet ascended to the FATHER.  But go to MY brothers and say to them: I AM ascending to MY FATHER, who is your GOD.'
So Mary of Magdala went and announced to the disciples, 'I have seen the LORD, and this is what HE said to me.'" - John 20:11-18 

(Do not touch ME, because I have not yet ascended to the FATHER.  Before HIS death, JESUS did not disapprove of  the passionate feelings and actions of Mary.  Now this familiar gesture to take possession of her loved Master is no longer appropriate.

HE is now the Risen One, and though HE lets HIMSELF be seen by HIS disciples for a few days, HE is in the glory of the FATHER.  HIS disciples must relinquish the physical presence of JESUS with which they felt so much at ease.  From now on the followers and lovers of JESUS will embrace HIM in a secret and marvelous way, when they are given gifts of prayer and faith.  It is then that the contemplative spirit, who is represented by Mary, may enjoy the whole of CHRIST [see Song 3:4].

I have not yet ascended to the FATHER.  JESUS is revealing the great desire that filled HIS life.  HE came from GOD and must return to the FATHER.  This is "the greatest love in the world."  All the love that JESUS has for us is but a manifestation  of that other love, because GOD the FATHER is the fountain and the goal of all love. 

It is not by chance that the word LORD is again repeated seven times, the last time by Thomas: "YOU are my LORD and my GOD."  This expresses the faith of the Church.

Let us remark that the persons concerned in this event did in fact call JESUS, "the Master."  However, John puts on their lips the word LORD.  Why?  From the first days of the Church, the believers had to find words to express their faith in JESUS, Son of GOD.  Being the Son, HE was not the same person as GOD, but HE was one with HIM.  How is this divine condition best expressed?

In Sacred Scriptures two names were given to GOD:  GOD and YAHWEH.  At that time the Jews no longer pronounced the name of YAHWEH and instead said: "the LORD."  Moreover, in the Greek Bible used by the apostles and the Church, YAHWEH was also translated as "the LORD."  So the apostles decided very soon to retain the term GOD when speaking of GOD the FATHER, and to call JESUS "the LORD," by this affirming that HE was not inferior to the FATHER.

The risen JESUS' apparitions to HIS disciples, besides fostering their hope and making them qualified witnesses of HIS resurrection, were necessary for their spiritual formation.  The disciples had to learn to recognize JESUS no longer through their senses but through faith.  Likewise, we have to learn to recognize and follow JESUS in the dim light of faith, in desolation as well as in consolation, thus we too will be among those whom JESUS blesses: Happy are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe [verse 29].

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