Sunday, May 28, 2017

Sanctify CHRIST As LORD In Your Hearts

"Do not fear what they fear or be disturbed as they are, but bless the LORD CHRIST in your hearts.  Always have an answer ready, when you are called upon, to account for your hope, but give it simply and with respect.  Keep your conscience clear, so that those who slander you may be put to shame by your upright, Christian living.  Better to suffer for doing good, if it is GOD's will, than for doing wrong.

Remember how CHRIST died, once, and for all, for our sins.  HE, the just one, died for the unjust, in order to lead us to GOD.  In the body, HE was put to death, in the spirit, HE was raised to life,..." - 1 Peter 3:15-18 

(In the body HE was put to death, in the spirit HE was raised to life.  [The text says, "HE died according to flesh."]  This means that HE died because HE had accepted and really taken on our mortal condition, but HE had to be repossessed by the Spirit of GOD.  It is a reaffirmation of the double nature of CHRIST.)


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