Monday, May 01, 2017


"Though HE was in the form of GOD,
HE did not regard equality with GOD as something to be grasped,
but emptied HIMSELF,
taking on the nature of a servant, made in human likeness,
and, in HIS appearance, found, as a man,
HE humbled HIMSELF by being obedient, to death,
death on the cross.
That is why GOD exalted HIM
and gave HIM the name which outshines all names,
so, that, at the name of JESUS all knees should bend
in heaven, on earth and among the dead,
and all tongues proclaim, that CHRIST JESUS is the LORD,
to the glory of GOD the FATHER."
- Philippians 2:6-11

(HE did not regard equality with GOD: the mystery of GOD's Son who became a mortal man and gave up GOD's glory, although HE could have preserved it even in HIS human life.  Since CHRIST was to be the New Man, glorified by GOD and placed above everything, HIS being subject to misery and limitations was a way of being reduced to nothingness.

GOD exalted HIM.  The humiliation and obedience of CHRIST were the condition for receiving HIS glory.  HE gave HIM the name [of GOD], that is, HE made HIM fully enjoy in HIS human nature the divine Power [or name].)


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