Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Humble Yourselves

"In the same way, let the younger ones among you respect the authority of the elders.  All of you must clothe yourselves with humility, in your dealings with one another, because GOD opposes the proud but gives HIS grace to the humble.
Bow down, then, before the power of GOD, so that HE will raise you up at the appointed time.  Place all your worries on HIM, since HE takes care of you.
Be sober and alert, because, your enemy, the devil prowls about, like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.  Stand your ground, firm in your faith, knowing, that our brothers and sisters, scattered throughout the world, are confronting similar sufferings.  GOD, the giver of all grace, has called you, to share in CHRIST's eternal glory, and after you have suffered a little, HE will bring you to perfection: HE will confirm, strengthen and establish you forever.  Glory be to HIM forever and ever.  Amen.
I have had these few lines of encouragement, written to you by Silvanus, our brother, whom I know to be trustworthy.  For I wanted to remind you of the kindness of GOD, really present in all this.  Hold on to it.
Greetings from the community in Babylon, gathered by GOD, and from my son, Mark.
Greet one another with a friendly embrace.  Peace to you all who are in CHRIST. - 1 Peter 5:5-14 

(In persecution Peter also sees a work of the devil, who does his best to discourage those who hope in CHRIST.

It is a proven fact that when we get ready to make an important decision or to make some commitment in the service of CHRIST, many unexpected obstacles arise.  The person who becomes intimidated loses everything.  When he tries again to take some step, the devil will increase his attacks.  These trials are common and to face them we need to be alert in our faith.

To remind you of the kindness of GOD.  This kindness, or grace, means GOD's whole plan to save us, all that came to us through CHRIST.

Babylon: in the language of the Christians of the time indicates "the great city," the center of pagan religions, namely, Rome [see Revelation 17].  Rome already has a community, the Church, at the time that Peter writes.)  

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