Friday, February 08, 2019

Words Of Encouragement

"Let mutual love continue.  Do not neglect to offer hospitality; you know. that some people have entertained angels without knowing it.  Remember prisoners, as if you are with them in chains, and the same for those who are suffering.  Remember, that you also have a body.
Marriage must be respected by all, and husband and wife, faithful to each other.  GOD will punish the immoral and the adulterous.
Do not depend on money.  Be content with having enough for today, for GOD has said: I will never forsake you or abandon you, and we shall confidently answer: The LORD is my helper, I will not fear; what can man do to me?  Remember your leaders, who taught you the word of GOD.  Consider their end, and imitate their faith.  CHRIST JESUS is the same today, as yesterday, and forever." - Hebrews 13:1-8 

(Faith is great, but it is lived in the little things of daily life.  The persecuted people to whom this letter is addressed need not undertake new tasks.  They will manifest their faith through an upright and generous life.  They will also have to accept their situation of being marginalized, sharing the shame of CHRIST.)


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