Saturday, February 23, 2019

Faith Is The Assurance Of What We Hope For, Being Certain Of What We Cannot See!

"Faith is the assurance of what we hope for, being certain of what we cannot see.  Because of their faith, our ancestors were approved.
By faith, we understand that the stages of creation were disposed by GOD's word, and what is visible came from what cannot be seen.
Because of Abel's faith his offering was more acceptable than that of his brother Cain, which meant he was upright, and GOD, HIMSELF, approved his offering.  Because of this faith he cried to GOD, as said in Scripture, even after he died.
By faith, Enoch was taken to heaven, instead of experiencing death: he could not be found, because GOD has taken him.  In fact, it is said, that before being taken up, he had pleased GOD.  Yet, without faith, it is impossible to please HIM: no one draws near to GOD, without first believing, that HE exists, and that HE rewards those who seek HIM earnestly.
By faith, Noah was instructed of events which could not yet be seen and, heeding what he heard, he built a boat, in which to save his family.  The faith of Noah condemned the world, and he reached holiness, born of faith." - Hebrews 11:1-7 
(Doubts overcome those who isolate themselves.  Why do we not look at those who have gone before us, not just one or the other but the mass of witnesses: all cannot be illusory.  

Faith is the assurance of what we hope for, being certain of what we cannot see.  The examples chosen show that faith cannot remain within us as an intimate conviction.  What matters is to act according to faith and make decisions inspired by faith.  That is why this chapter offers so many biblical examples of men and women who risked everything for faith.  We cannot understand the obedience of Abraham unless he had trust in GOD against all hope.  The same when Moses gave up a promising future for the impossible task of leading his people: his faith made him act in the present as if he saw what was invisible [verse 27].

These heroes of the faith died without having seen what GOD promised; it would seem that many have failed but their successors will discover that it is they who have made authentic history.  The author addresses the Christians saying: "We are people of faith and we shall save our soul," which means:  we shall fulfill all that is in us, and await what GOD has reserved for us in eternity.)


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