Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Remembering The Heroes Of Faith

"Do I need to say more?  There is not enough time to speak of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, as well as Samuel and the prophets.  Through faith, they fought and conquered nations, established justice, saw the fulfillment of GOD's promises, shut the mouths of lions, quenched raging fire, escaped the sword, were healed of their sicknesses; they were weak people, who were given strength, to be brave in battle and repulse foreign invaders.
Some women recovered their dead by resurrection, but there were others--persecuted and tortured believers--who, for the sake of a better resurrection, refused to do what would have saved them.  Others suffered chains and prison.  They were stoned, sawn in two, killed by the sword.  They fled, from place to place, with no other clothing than the skins of sheep and goats, lacking everything, afflicted, ill-treated.  These people, of whom the world was not worthy, had to wander through wastelands and mountains, and take refuge in the dens of the land.
However, although all of them were praised because of their faith, they did not enjoy the promise, because GOD had us in mind, and saw beyond.  And HE did not want them to reach perfection, except with us." - Hebrews 11:32-40 

(The selection of heroes of faith gives a place of honor to leaders and valiant people who have wished to free and serve their people.  In so doing they were perhaps unconsciously seeking their real homeland.  How many people today, unbelievers perhaps, shunned by the churches, are in fact on the road to the City of GOD when they sacrifice themselves in preparing for the future of the world!  They are the Hebrews of the modern world and GOD is not ashamed of being called their GOD.

These heroes of the faith died without having seen what GOD promised; it would seem that many have failed but their successors will discover that it is they who have made authentic history.  The author addresses the Christians saying: "We are people of faith and we shall save our soul," which means: we shall fulfill all that is in us, and await what GOD has reserved for us in eternity.)


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