Tuesday, February 12, 2019

True Cleanness

"One day, the Pharisees gathered around JESUS, and with them were some teachers of the law who had just come from Jerusalem.
They noticed that some of HIS disciples were eating their meal with unclean hands, that is, without washing them.  Now the Pharisees, and in fact all the Jews, never eat without washing their hands, for they follow the tradition received from their ancestors.  Nor do they eat anything, when they come from the market, without first washing themselves.  And there are many other traditions they observe; for example, the ritual washing of cups, pots and plates.
So the Pharisees and the teachers of the law asked HIM, 'Why do your disciples not follow the tradition of the elders, but eat with unclean hands?'
JESUS answered, 'You shallow people!  How well Isaiah prophesied of you when he wrote: This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.  The worship they offer me is worthless, for what they teach are only human rules.  You even put aside the commandment of GOD to hold fast to human tradition.'
And JESUS commented, 'You have a fine way of disregarding the commandments of GOD in order to enforce your own traditions!  For example, Moses said: Do your duty to your father and your mother, and: Whoever curses his father or his mother is to be put to death.  But according to you, someone could say to his father or mother, 'I already declared Corban (which means "offered to GOD") what you could have expected from me.'  In this case, you no longer require him to do anything for his father or mother; and so you nullify the word of GOD through the tradition you have handed on.  And you do many other things like that." - Mark 7:1-13 

(No group, not even the Church, can sustain itself without traditions and customs.  Yet even when they are good traditions, they are still made by humans.  For example, the way the mass is celebrated, celebrations, novenas, etc.  All that past popes, bishops, and Christian communities have done can be changed, we understand that they are not essential.

What does not change is GOD's teaching.  Where can it be found?  In the Scriptures and in JESUS' teachings.  Yet there is a way of understanding JESUS as the apostles did.  This is called the Tradition of the Apostles, and the Church, founded by the apostles, guards this Tradition, that is, their spirit.  Let us not confuse the traditions of Catholics with the Tradition of the Church.

We often make little effort to enter into the spirit and Tradition of the Church, however, clinging instead to antiquated and mediocre traditions.  Why are so many Christians today scandalized when the Church frees itself from these antiquated rites?  JESUS gives us the reason: they cling to these rites because they are incapable of believing.  External religion replaces the authentic faith they do not possess.  They hang onto these things because these are all they have, and if they lost that, GOD no longer has any meaning for them.)


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