Monday, February 18, 2019

Why Do They Demand A Sign?

"The Pharisees came and started to argue with JESUS.  Hoping to embarrass HIM, they asked for some heavenly sign.  Then HIS spirit was moved.  HE gave a deep sigh and said, 'Why do the people of this present time ask for a sign?  Truly, I say to you, no sign shall be given to this people.'  Then HE left them, got into the boat again, and went to the other side of the lake." - Mark 8:11-13 

(The Pharisees do not see the fruits of JESUS' teaching.  They do not see the thousands of anonymous disciples who are rediscovering hope who are gradually transformed.  They do not see that GOD had visited the poor.  JESUS is going to clash more and more with this powerful group, the most respected in Jewish society and a question comes to our mind: if JESUS came today, wouldn't HE shock many people who think they are the pillars of the Church?

In fact, the reproach that JESUS addresses to the Pharisees is often found in those who turn to respected religious institutions.  First, we start with a desire for moral perfection that is unconsciously linked to our need to be acknowledged by society.  We are aware of our own responsibility.  This is a good thing and it was at the heart of Phariseism.  This may be a starting point.  But as time goes by, we fail to realize that we have become more attached to our own virtues than to GOD: love would have steeped us in humility.

Fully convinced of their own merits [their "righteousness," Luke 18:9], the Pharisees seek a type of sanctity based on rules, alms and services and in return for their merits, they expect GOD to treat them in a special way.  We are along way from grace and from the Gospel since we can only encounter GOD if we accept our weaknesses and GOD's forgiveness.  Then, we truly and humbly love GOD and we feel we are the brothers and sisters of the poorest and of sinners.

Our belonging to a real or alleged elite brings us to cultivate our own image, therefore appearances, as we are more removed from the world of "sinners" and ordinary people [as if by chance, Pharisee means separated].  This more "select" milieu offers a chance to every ambition and from then on, as JESUS says, hypocrisy rules.)  

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