Tuesday, January 01, 2019

But You, Bethlehem Ephrata, From You Shall I Raise The One Who Is To Rule Over Israel

"But you, Bethlehem Ephrata, so small that you are hardly named among the clans of Judah; from you shall I raise the one who is to rule over Israel.  For HE comes forth from of old, from the ancient times.
YAHWEH, therefore, will abandon Israel until such time as she, who is to give birth, has given birth.  Then the rest of HIS deported brothers will return to the people of Israel.
HE will stand, and shepherd HIS flock with the strength of YAHWEH, in the glorious Name of YAHWEH, HIS GOD.  They will live safely, while HE wins renown to the ends of the earth.  HE shall be peace." - Micah 5:1-4 
(That is to say, that the Messiah will come from the line of David whose roots are in Bethlehem.  It is not clear if the Messiah must be born in Bethlehem, in spite of the fact that Micah seems to contrast this peaceful king, born in a rural area, with the useless kings of the capital.  Later, many believed that the Messiah had to be born in Bethlehem: see John 7:42.  Matthew's Gospel shows how this prophecy was fulfilled with the birth of JESUS [Matthew 2:6].)


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