Friday, January 25, 2019

The New World

"The angels were not given dominion over the new world of which we are speaking.  Instead, someone declared in Scripture: What is man, that YOU should be mindful of HIM, what is the Son of Man that YOU should care for HIM?  For a while YOU placed HIM a little lower than the angels, but YOU crowned HIM with glory and honor.  YOU have given HIM dominion over all things. 
When it is said, that GOD gave HIM dominion over all things, nothing is excluded.  As it is, we do not yet see HIS dominion over all things.  But JESUS, who suffered death, and for a little while, was placed lower than the angels, has been crowned with honor and glory.  For the merciful plan of GOD demanded that HE experience death, on behalf of everyone.
GOD, from whom all come, and by whom all things exist, wanted to bring many children to glory, and HE thought it fitting to make it perfect, through suffering, the initiator of their salvation.  So, HE who gives, and those who receive holiness, are one.  HE, HIMSELF, is not ashamed of calling us brothers and sisters, as we read: LORD, I will proclaim YOUR name to my brothers; I will praise YOU in the congregation." - Hebrews 2:5-12 

(The new world.  Actually the text says: the world to come.  This does not mean future times, or the end of the world, but the new and definitive times that began with the resurrection of CHRIST.

The new world is where the risen CHRIST is.  It is the homeland we are hoping for.  This new world has already come to us: a believer who lives in the Spirit constantly has experiences which are not of the earth even if in the beginning he is not aware of it.

All the history of JESUS is then both HIS and ours.  HE thought it fitting to make perfect through suffering the initiator of their salvation.  There is no other way to human liberation than the way of the cross.  Those who are eager to free others must be tested, some through opposition, others through indifference.  Suffering is a good teacher and it tests the strength of our surrender.

It is on the cross of CHRIST that we must discover the love of the FATHER for HIS Son, since HE did not "condemn HIM" to suffer on earth, but rather, by way of suffering, HE called HIM to be the Savior and model for everyone.)


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