Thursday, January 31, 2019

Fan Into A Flame The Gift Of GOD You Received

"From Paul, apostle of CHRIST JESUS, by the will of GOD, for the sake of HIS promise of eternal life, in CHRIST JESUS, to my dear son Timothy.
May grace, mercy and peace be with you, from GOD, the FATHER, and CHRIST JESUS our LORD.
I give thanks to GOD, whom I serve with a clear conscience, the way my ancestors did, as I remember you constantly, day and night, in my prayers.  I recall your tears, and I long to see you, that I may be filled with joy.  I am reminded of your sincere faith, so like the faith of your grandmother Lois and of your mother Eunice, which I am sure you have inherited.
For this reason, I invite you to fan into a flame, the gift of GOD you received, through the laying on of my hands.  For GOD did not confer on us a spirit of fearfulness, but of strength, love and good judgment.  Do not be ashamed of testifying to our LORD, nor of seeing me in chains.  On the contrary, do your share in laboring for the gospel, with the strength of GOD." - 2 Timothy 1:1-8 
Paul And Timothy

(Fan into a flame the gift of GOD you received.  See 1 Timothy 4:14.  Paul tries to give his own energy to Timothy and he reminds him of GOD's love and promises.)


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