Sunday, January 27, 2019

CHRIST Is Our High Priest

"For the word of GOD is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword.  It pierces, to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and judges the intentions and thoughts of the heart.  All creation is transparent to HIM; everything is uncovered and laid bare, to the eyes of HIM, to whom we render account.
We have a great high priest, JESUS, the Son of GOD, who has entered heaven.  Let us, then, hold fast to the faith we profess.  Our high priest is not indifferent to our weaknesses, for HE was tempted, in every way, just as we are, yet, without sinning.  Let us, then, with confidence, approach the throne of grace.  We will obtain mercy and, through HIS favor, help in due time." - Hebrews 4:12-16 

(For the Jews, the high priest--despite his personal defects--was a sacred person protecting the people from the punishment deserved by their sins.  The people needed not only leaders to govern them, but an advocate before GOD.  Aaron, Moses' brother, the first priest of the Jews, had been such a man.  His successors, the high priests, were to be the same.

This idea is developed here: the high priest is the people's representative before GOD, and he must be weak as they are but accepted by GOD.  CHRIST is just that and perfectly so.  Forgetting that JESUS is a man among humans is as serious for the faith as forgetting that HE is the Son of GOD.

It is helpful to look at the role of CHRIST, the high priest, at this time when the Church reminds us that all the faithful are associated with the priestly role of CHRIST.  We must represent humanity before GOD; we are consecrated to GOD for that purpose.

In the Eucharist we thank GOD in the name of everyone.  In daily life we must be instruments of the grace of GOD by being people who promote truth, encourage love and establish peaceful relationships.)


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