Monday, January 14, 2019

Praise To GOD, Creator And Shepherd

"All you lands, acclaim YAHWEH!
Serve YAHWEH with gladness; come before HIM with joyful songs.
Know that YAHWEH is GOD; HE created us, and
we are  HIS people, the sheep of HIS fold.
Enter HIS gates with thanksgiving, HIS courts
will praise.  Give thanks to HIM and praise HIS name.
For YAHWEH is good; HIS love lasts forever;
and HIS faithfulness, through all generations."
- Psalm 100:1-5

(The psalm bids us rejoice in GOD, because we are utterly HIS.  From the psalmist, the glad reflection provokes an outburst of gratitude.  From those who know the Cross it should bring about a cry of wonder that GOD should have brought, what was already HIS own--that we should belong to HIM doubly.  'You are bought with a great price,' writes St. Paul; 'not with gold or silver,' Peter says, 'but with the precious blood of CHRIST' [1 Corinthians 6:20; 1 Peter 1:18].  This psalm was born again on Calvary.  We must remember that as we sing it!)

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