Saturday, January 05, 2019

The Word

"This is what has been, from the beginning, and what we have heard, and have seen with our own eyes, what we have looked at, and touched with our hands, I mean the Word who is Life...
The Life made itself known.  We have seen Eternal Life and we bear witness; and we are telling you of it.  It was with the FATHER and made HIMSELF known to us.
So, we tell you, what we have seen and heard, that you may be in fellowship with us, and us, with the FATHER, and with HIS Son, JESUS CHRIST.
And we write this, that our joy may be complete." - 1 John 1:1-4 
(The Word. John will not speak about miracles, or revelations, or secrets jealously kept by some members.  The truth that he relates to us is both simpler and more divine than all this: GOD, the Eternal Life, has come to live with us.

Life became visible.  Do not look for miracles or miraculous powers.  Do not expect fantastic revelations about the beyond.  Life was revealed as the gift of the FATHER, the rebirth of a humanity without hope, the divine smile, the unexpected visit of the one seeking to share HIS life with humans [Proverbs 8:31].  We will not find life merely in books, but through communion with those who have seen and experienced it before us, and who became HIS Church.)


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