Monday, December 31, 2018

The Story Of Hannah

"When the child was weaned, Hannah took him with her along with a three-year-old bull, a measure of flour and a flask of wine, and she brought him to YAHWEH's house at Shiloh.  The child was still young.
After they had slain the bull, they brought the child to Eli.  Hannah exclaimed, 'Oh, my LORD, look!  I am the woman who was standing here in YOUR presence, praying to YAHWEH.  I asked for this child and YAHWEH granted me the favor I begged of HIM.  I think YAHWEH is now asking for this child.  As long as he lives, he belongs to YAHWEH.'
And they worshiped YAHWEH there." - 1 Samuel 1:24-28 

(It all started with an ordinary couple living a familiar drama in a hill town.

The woman, in an inferior situation, as it will always be in Israel, is only worth the children she bears.  A man has as many wives as he is able to maintain.  Elkanah loves Hannah.  YAHWEH listens and not only gives a son to Hannah but also a prophet for HIS people.

GOD likes to choose HIS servants precisely from those families who have no hope of having children.  It is GOD who gives life to the dead and hope to those who have none.  The same happens with the birth of Isaac and John the Baptist [Luke 1:5].  In the book of Isaiah is a poem which starts with these words: 'Rejoice, O barren woman who has not given birth!' [Isaiah 54:1].)


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