Sunday, December 30, 2018

A Springtime Of Annunciation: Love Comes To Seek The Beloved

The voice of my lover!  Behold he comes, 
springing across the mountains,
jumping over the hills,
like a gazelle or a young stag.
Now he stands behind our wall,
looking through the windows,
peering through the lattice.
My lover speaks to me,

'Arise, my love, my beautiful one!
Come the winter is gone,
the rains are over.
Flowers have appeared on earth;
the season of singing has come;
the cooing of doves is heard.
The fig tree forms its early fruit,
the vines in blossom are fragrant.
Arise, my beautiful one,
come with me, my love, come.

O my dove in the rocky cleft,
in the secret places of the cliff,
let me see your face,
let me hear your voice.
Your face--how lovely!
Your voice--how sweet!'"
- Song of Songs 2:8-14

(A springtime of annunciation: love comes to seek the beloved.  Finished are the trials that seemed to have no end and no sense.  The lover is pleased to sing the beauty of his beloved.

Here faith is required of the reader: we have just closed a paper telling us of millions of galaxies blown like a bubble of soap fifteen thousand million years ago, and then the Song speaks of HIM seeking a love among the innumerable descendants of the little "homo habilis."  Is it true?  Possible?  These hundreds of thousands of centuries and suns are perhaps but a cloud of smoke which hides at a different depth the mystery of the Supreme Person, the source of love.  A love that is not only human, for while experiencing it HIMSELF, at the same time HIS Spirit lights its flame in us.) 

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