Thursday, October 10, 2019

You Will See The Different Fates Of The Good And The Bad

"You say very harsh things about ME, says YAHWEH, and, yet, you say: 'What harsh things did we say against YOU?'  You say: 'It is useless to serve GOD.  There is no benefit in observing HIS commandments or in leading an austere life for HIS sake.  Happy are the shameless!  Those who do evil succeed in everything; though they provoke GOD, they remain unharmed.'
Those were the very words of those who fear YAHWEH.  YAHWEH listened and heard what they said.  HE ordered at once, that the names of those who respect HIM and reverence HIS name be written in a record.
And HE declared, 'They will be MINE on the day I have already set.  Then I shall care for them, as a father cares for his obedient son.  And you will see the different fates of the good and the bad, those who obey GOD and those who disobey HIM.
The day already comes, flaming as a furnace.  On that day, all the proud and evildoers will be burned, like straw in the fire.  They will be left without branches or roots.  On the other hand, the sun of justice will shine upon you who respect MY name and bring health in its rays.  You will come out leaping, like fattened calves,..." - Malachi 3:13-20 
(Then comes the discussion with those expecting material favors as a reward for their devotion; they wish to be rewarded for having done no evil.  GOD agrees to dialogue with such believers, and through Malachi speaks to them in the only language they can understand: if they do good, one day they will see the Sun of justice and will jump around like calves trampling the wicked underfoot.)


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