Monday, October 07, 2019

Blessed Are You Among All Women

"Uzziah said to her, 'My daughter, may the Most High GOD bless you more than all women on earth.
And blessed be the LORD GOD, the Creator of heaven and earth, who has lead you to behead the leader of our enemies.
Never will people forget the confidence you have shown; they will always remember the power of GOD.
May GOD ensure your everlasting glory, and may HE reward and bless you for you have risked your life when your race was humiliated.
You chose instead to do the best before GOD in order to prevent our downfall.'
And all the people said, 'Amen!  Amen!'" - Judith 13:18-20 

(May the Most High GOD bless you more than all women on earth.  Luke will remember these words and will adapt them for Mary [Luke 1:42].  With Luke we easily see in Judith's victory the image of another victory in which Mary "crushed the head of the serpent" in perfectly welcoming the Son of GOD and HIS patient work to redeem the world from the Devil's hands, as the Scriptures had announced [Genesis 3:15].  The hymn we refer to: You are the glory of Israel speaks more truly of Mary than of Judith.)


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