Wednesday, October 16, 2019

GOD Will Give Glory, Honor And Peace To Whoever Does Good

"Therefore, you have no excuse, whoever you are, if you are able to judge others.  For, in judging your neighbor, you condemn yourself, for you practice what you are judging.  We know, that the condemnation of GOD will justly reach those who commit these things, and do you think that by condemning others, you will escape from the judgment of GOD, you, who are doing the same?
This would be taking advantage of GOD, and HIS infinite goodness, patience and understanding; and not to realize that, HIS goodness is in order to lead you to conversion.  If your heart becomes hard and you refuse to change, then you are storing for yourself a great punishment on the day of judgment, when GOD will appear as just judge.
HE will give each one his due, according to his actions.  HE will give everlasting life to those who seek glory, honor and immortality, and persevere in doing good.  But anger and vengeance will be the lot of those who do not serve truth, but injustice.  There will be suffering and anguish, for everyone committing evil, first the Jew, then the Greek.  But GOD will give glory, honor and peace to whoever does good, first, the Jew, then, the Greek, because one is not different from the other before GOD." - Romans 2:1-11 

(You have no excuse, whoever you are...  Paul addresses the Jews, who wait for GOD's judgment on the world and are convinced that they will not be condemned, since they have the true religion.  Paul reminds them of something we ourselves know: the greater our religious knowledge, the more arguments we have to justify our faults.

GOD will give glory...  Paul has just condemned the injustice and wrongdoing of the pagan world.  Now he recognizes that many who have not received a religious education do indeed live justly.  Paul affirms that:
- GOD will judge each one according to his own lights; our conscience will fully agree with this judgment of GOD on us;
- GOD also has sons and daughters among those who do not believe; HE will judge them as HE does for us, according to the path on which HE has placed them.)


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