Monday, October 21, 2019

He Did Not Doubt Although His Body Could No Longer Give Life

"He did not doubt, nor did he distrust the promise of GOD, and, by being strong in faith, he gave glory to GOD: he was convinced, that, HE who had given the promise, had power to fulfill it.
This was taken into account, for him to attain righteousness.  This was taken into account: these words of Scripture are not only for him, but for us, too, because we believe in HIM, who raised JESUS, our LORD, from among the dead, HE, who was delivered for our sins, and raised to life, for us to receive true righteousness." - Romans 4:20-25 

(He did not doubt although his body could no longer give life.  Abraham had a faith similar to the Christian who believes in the resurrection of CHRIST.  We also are asked to believe in a GOD who gives life and for whom nothing is impossible.)


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