Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Ruler Of The Universe Enter HIS Chosen Dwelling Place

"The earth and its fulness belong to YAHWEH,
the world and all that dwell in it.
HE has founded it upon the ocean
and set it firmly upon the waters.

Who will ascend the mountain of YAHWEH?
Who will stand in HIS holy place?
Those with clean hands and pure heart,
who desire not what is vain,
and never swear to a lie.

They will receive blessings from YAHWEH,
a reward from GOD, their savior.
Such are the people who seek HIM,
who seek the face of Jacob's GOD."
- Psalm 24:1-6

('Heavens cannot contain you!' said Solomon, 'How much less this house that I have built!' [2 Chronicles 6:18].  And yet, the King of Glory passed through the gates of a Temple, where Israel's pilgrims 'sought HIS face.'  This psalm shares the astonishment of Solomon: 'Will GOD really live with men and women on the earth?'  For us that wonder is surpassed.  We have seen the Son of GOD pass through the gate of our nature and heard HIM speak 'of the temple of the body' [John 2:21].  And this is not all!  Mystically assumed into that body, our own selves become temples too--but we must throw open the gates of a generous heart: 'If anyone loves ME, MY FATHER will love him; and we will come to HIM' [John 14:23].  We think of this as we sing: 'Let HIM enter, the King of Glory!' 'Come, LORD JESUS' [Revelations 22:20].)


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