Monday, November 05, 2018

YAHWEH Is The Only One

"Fear YAHWEH, observe HIS commandments all the days of your life and HIS norms that I teach you today.  So also for your children and your children's children that they may live long.
Listen, then, Israel, observe these commandments and put them into practice.  If you do this, you will be well and you will multiply in this land flowing with milk and honey, as YAHWEH, the GOD of your fathers, promised you.
Listen, Israel: YAHWEH, our GOD, is One YAHWEH.  And you shall love YAHWEH, your GOD, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength.  Engrave on your heart the commandments that I pass on to you today." - Deuteronomy 6:2-6 
(Listen Israel: YAHWEH, our GOD, is One YAHWEH.  These verses are the creed of the Jews: which they recite every day.  JESUS alludes to this text when they question HIM about the most important command.

You shall love YAHWEH, your GOD, with all your heart.  The love of GOD cannot be totally unselfish.  Israel knew that by responding to the love of GOD who chose them, they were on the right path and GOD would reward them with peace and material prosperity.

Engrave in your heart the commandments: keep them present in your mind to help you organize your thinking and to be able to judge everything according to these standards.)


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