Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Final Summons To Praise

Praise GOD in HIS Sanctuary;
praise HIM, in the vault of heaven.

Praise HIM, for HIS mighty deeds;
praise HIM, for HIS own greatness.

Praise HIM with trumpet blast;
praise HIM with lyre and harp.

Praise HIM, with dance and tambourines;
praise HIM with pipe and strings.

Praise HIM with clashing cymbals;
praise HIM with clanging cymbals.
Let everything that breathes, sing praise to YAHWEH.
- Psalm 150:1-6

(The psalms have shown us prayers of petition, lament, instruction, warning and exhortation: but above all and in all, they are praises of GOD.  This praise will absorb every being, in a final diapason.

The last word of everything, created and redeemed, is this: 'Alleluia!'  We have entered into eternal celebration, into eternal joy.  This psalm refers us to Revelation 19:1-10, and to the triumphal songs in heaven.  Our community, our people, anticipates the heavenly 'Alleluia' when they sing the praise of GOD on this earth.)


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