Sunday, November 25, 2018

The Son Of Man

"I continued watching the nocturnal vision:
One like a son of man came on the clouds of heaven.  HE faced the One of Great Age and was brought into HIS presence.
Dominion, honor and kingship were given HIM and all the peoples and nations of every language served HIM.  HIS dominion is eternal and shall never pass away; HIS kingdom will never be destroyed." - Daniel 7:13-14
(On the clouds of heaven: this cloud is the sign of the divine presence.

The One of Great Age: this refers to GOD, and the white hair is a sign of HIS majesty.  Let us not forget that, in fact, GOD is ageless and is in a unique moment, an ever present now.

A son of man, namely, a human: at first, this mysterious person referred to the whole people of GOD [v. 27].  If GOD wanted to give HIS kingdom to people, HE would, in fact, give it in a personal way to the one who is the model, the savior and the head of everyone and of all humankind.  JESUS is the Man [John 19:5], or, to follow the Jewish way of speaking, the son of man.

The son of man comes from the divine clouds, and so JESUS applied the prophecy to HIMSELF to point to HIS divine origin when HIS accusers were seeing HIM in the weakness of the human condition [Matthew 26:64].)


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