Saturday, November 17, 2018

HE Is For The Righteous A Light In Darkness

Blessed is the one who fears YAHWEH,
who greatly delights in HIS commands.
His children will be powerful on earth;
the upright's offspring will be blessed.

Wealth and riches are for his family;
there, his integrity will remain.
HE is for the righteous a light in darkness;
HE is kind, merciful and upright.

It will be well with him who lends freely,
who leads a life of justice and honesty.
For the righteous will never be moved;
he will be remembered and loved forever."
- Psalm 112:1-6

(Another alphabetical psalm, developing the thought of the blessings received by those faithful to GOD: descendants, prosperity, virtue and salvation.  It also deals with our reverence for GOD shown in practice--mainly, charity to our neighbor.  

Indeed as the psalmist says, 'HE is for the righteous, a light in darkness...'  For, in John 9:5 JESUS says, 'I AM the light of the world.'  We should therefore, never be in darkness.  HIS guiding light will always be there for us whenever we need, especially in our desperate days and when we are groping in the darkness of the night.

Our present society also needs witnesses, who fear GOD and are passionate lovers of HIS  commandments.  It needs men and women to reflect the rays of the Light because they are generous, compassionate, and attentive.  Those who want to be witnesses of GOD in our time, can pray with this psalm.)


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