Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Continue Working Out Your Salvation "With Fear And Trembling"

"Therefore, my dearest friends, as you always obeyed me while I was with you, even more, now, that I am far from you, continue working out your salvation 'with fear and trembling.'  It is GOD who makes you, not only wish but also, carry out what pleases HIM.  Do everything without grumbling, so, that, without fault or blame, you will be children of GOD, without reproach, among a crooked and perverse generation.  You are a light among them, like stars in the universe, holding to the word of life.  I shall feel proud of you, on the day of CHRIST, on seeing that my effort and labor have not been in vain.  And if I am being poured out, as a libation over the sacrifice, and the offering of your faith, I rejoice and continue to share your joy; and, you, likewise should rejoice and share my joy." - Philippians 2:12-18 

(Continue working out your salvation "with fear and trembling".  It is not a matter of being afraid of GOD.  Paul has just urged his readers to rejoice, since they no longer have the spirit of slaves to make them fearful, but the spirit of sons and daughters [Romans 8:15].

Paul, in fact, has just recalled CHRIST's sacrifice and he draws this conclusion: take your life very seriously [this is the meaning of fear and trembling: as does the one who carefully carries a precious load].  Be aware that GOD is at work in you through these good desires that come to you.  Live in the presence of GOD.)


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