Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Signs Before The Destruction Of Jerusalem

"While some people were talking about the temple, remarking that it was adorned with fine stonework and rich gifts, JESUS said to them, 'The days will come when there shall not be left one stone upon another of all that you now admire; all will be torn down.'  And they asked HIM, 'Master, when will this be, and what will be the sign that this is about to take place?'
JESUS said, 'Take care not to be deceived, for many will come in MY name, saying, 'I AM he; the time is near at hand!'  Do not follow them.  When you hear of wars and troubled times, don't be frightened; for all these things must happen first, even though the end is not so soon.'
And JESUS said, 'Nations will fight each other and kingdom will oppose kingdom.  There will be great earthquakes, famines and plagues; in many places strange and terrifying signs from heaven will be seen.'" - Luke 21:5-11 

(The prophets of the Scriptures spoke in a rather obscure way about the end of the history that would initiate GOD's universal kingdom.  According to them, all nations of the world would join forces to destroy the Holy City of Jerusalem, but right at the moment of greatest despair GOD would intervene in a triumphant way to establish HIS own kingdom [Isaiah 66:18; Ezekiel 38; Joel 4; Zechariah 14].

That is why, when JESUS speaks of the destruction of the temple, the apostles think of the end of time.  The answer of JESUS is clear; the tragedy that will end with the destruction of Jerusalem is near but that would not be the end of the world.

This discourse contains JESUS' warnings about the destruction of the Jewish nation that would occur 30 years later, but what HE said regarding these agents clarifies the meaning of the conflicts that occur at present in the whole world.

When you hear of wars.  This does not mean that GOD leaves the world in the hands of evil.  It is more a delivery than a failure, because humanity is maturing and the nations encounter more complex problems in their life and development.  The crisis suffered by the Jewish nation in the time of JESUS was similar to that experienced by other civilizations: something dies and something is born.

People, confused, are easily fooled by propaganda and ideologies.  Fear makes them blind and they persecute those who do not share their fanaticism.  That is why they hate the true believers.  At the same time, JESUS asks HIS followers to bear witness to HIM as the only Savior and to proclaim what the Gospel demands of the individual and of society.)


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