Friday, July 20, 2018

I Believe In GOD, Though I Do Not See HIM

"There, in heaven, is our GOD;
whatever HE wishes, HE does.
Not so, the hand-made idols,
crafted in silver and gold.

They have mouths that cannot speak,
eyes that cannot see,
ears that cannot hear,
noses that cannot smell.

They have hands but cannot feel,
feet, but cannot walk;
neither can they make a sound in their throat.
Their makers will be like them;
so will all who trust in them.

O, Israel trust in YAHWEH;
HE is your help and your shield!
You, family of Aaron, trust in YAHWEH;
HE is your help and your shield!"
Psalm 115:3-10

(Our GOD is not helpless idol.  HE is the living GOD--alive and in constant activity.  That we are alive is the result of HIS action.  As if the river were to run backwards, as if the solid mountains were to jump up and down--so astonishing it is that GOD should come to people, to make them share HIS life.

"I believe in GOD, though I do not see HIM," a Jewish man wrote in the ghetto of Warsaw.  In times that are hostile to faith, it is good for us to pray with this psalm.)


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