Thursday, July 26, 2018

Everything Has Been Entrusted To ME By MY FATHER

"Everything has been entrusted to ME by MY FATHER.  No one knows the Son except the FATHER; and no one knows the FATHER except the Son, and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal HIM." - Matthew 11:27 

(GOD does what is needed for people to have always and in all places thousands of ways of knowing HIM.  In this life it is only through JESUS that we have the revelation of the FATHER.

Must we translate "learn from ME for I AM..." or "learn from ME that I AM..."?  The humility of JESUS reveals to us the humility of GOD who never seeks to put us down or intimidate us, but instead always wants to raise us to HIM.  Such humility does not prevent HIM from being GOD, and HE may exact everything from us because HE does not use external force: HIS influence reaches to the depths of the heart.  See Luke 10:21.)

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