Saturday, July 21, 2018

GOD's Faithfulness To HIS Promise

"Sing to HIM, sing HIS praise, proclaim all HIS wondrous deeds.
Glory in HIS holy name; let those who seek YAHWEH rejoice.
Look to YAHWEH and be strong; seek HIS face always.
Remember HIS wonderful works, HIS miracles and HIS judgments,
you descendants of HIS servant Abraham, you sons of Jacob, HIS chosen ones!
HE is YAHWEH our GOD; HIS judgments reach the whole world."
- Psalm 105:2-7

(The psalmist summarizes in this one psalm the goodness and greatness of GOD, as he knew it from the Old Testament.  He connects with his past to seek GOD's presence and praise HIM.  We are the people whom GOD has redeemed, but in redeeming us, GOD was keeping the promise which HE made 'to our ancestors, to Abraham and to his seed.'

When praying with this psalm, we can unite our history to the history of salvation and remember that, while the covenant is a mandate, it is also the Word of GOD and therefore it is an eternal and holy covenant.  If we are unfaithful, GOD is still faithful.)


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