Thursday, July 19, 2018

HE Fulfills The Wish Of Those Who Fear HIM; HE Hears Their Cry And Saves Them

"I will praise YOU, day after day; and exalt YOUR name forever.
Great is YAHWEH, most worthy of praise; and HIS deeds are beyond measure.
Parents commend YOUR works to their children and tell them YOUR feats.
They proclaim the splendor of YOUR majesty and recall YOUR wondrous works.
People will proclaim YOUR mighty deeds; and I will declare YOUR greatness.
They will celebrate YOUR abundant kindness, and rejoice in singing of YOUR justice.
Compassionate and gracious is YAHWEH, slow to anger and abounding in love.
YAHWEH is good to everyone; HIS mercy embraces all HIS creation.
HE fulfills the wish of those who fear HIM; HE hears their cry and saves them.
- Psalm 145:2-9, 19

(When we reflect on what GOD has done for us, we remember that this is what GOD has always done; our lives are borne along on the unending stream of divine love.  To the eternal GOD, eternal praise be given.

In verse 19 the psalmist says, 'HE fulfills the wish of those who fear HIM; HE hears their cry and saves them.'  Did JESUS not do just that?  In Luke 23:42 one of the criminals said to JESUS, 'JESUS remember me when YOU come into YOUR kingdom.'  And JESUS in verse 43 replied, 'Truly, you will be with ME today in paradise.'  Therefore, all we have to do is ask believing that HE will grant it to us and we will receive all that we ask for.)


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