Sunday, May 22, 2016

Wisdom Calls

Hello! and happy holy and family day to all of us, GUYS.  For our first-thing-first this Sunday:

THE GOOD NEWS (22 May 2016)

"It is you, O men, I address
for my message is directed to all mankind,
so that the ignorant may learn
and the thoughtless come to their senses.
Listen to me for I speak of vital things
and everything I say is true.

Truthful words come from my mouth
and my lips do not lend themselves to evil.
All my words are right,
none are twisted or deceitful.
The intelligent will verify their truth,
the wise perceive their sincerity."
- Psalm 8:4-9

(Wisdom speaks again in this poem.  We understand that this Wisdom is the wisdom found in the books of the Bible.  Biblical words are the Word of GOD and because of that even when they seem naïve, or "old hat" at times they are always bearers of life [JESUS will say that the word of GOD is a seed]. 

All the benefits that will be reaped by the frequent reading of the Bible are listed: to begin with, the fear of GOD, that is to say, appreciating GOD above all things.  Then culture that enables us to be leaders and to undertake responsible tasks.  Finally success in life.

Many youths and adults who are not well educated think they will always be inferior: they do not believe they are capable of performing well either in ministry or in community development.  They must realize that the regular study of the Bible will not only strengthen their faith, but be a starting point for human wisdom and enabling them to guide others.)


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