Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Separate Churches

Hello! and happy good mid-week to all of us, GUYS.  Our "daily bread" this Wednesday:

THE GOOD NEWS (18 May 2016)
"John said to HIM, 'Master, we saw someone who drove out demons by calling upon YOUR name, and we tried to forbid him because he does not belong to our group.'  JESUS answered, 'Do not forbid him, for no one who works a miracle in MY name can soon after speak evil of ME.  For whoever is not against us is for us." - Mark 9:38-40

(While JESUS prepares HIS apostles, whom HE wants to leave in charge of HIS Church, others preach the Gospel and expel demons.  In the same way nowadays, outside the Catholic Church, the Church of the apostles, others of diverse Christian denominations do apostolic work.

This evangelization outside the Church, at times against the Church, offers a challenge.  If others evangelize, it is perhaps because the Church does not reach a great number of people.  GOD wants others to do what we do not.  The proliferation of separate churches is for the Catholic Church a call to reform.

For the Church finds itself paralyzed for want of a true spirit of poverty and because of its massive structures which no longer allow simple people to find there the fresh life-giving air of the Gospel.

In addition, a missionary sense is often completely absent: too many Catholics are not ready to leave their own practices and little groups, with the end result that the Church is seemingly absent in a great number of places, especially in the urban masses and among immigrants.

With that how can we condemn those who by their missionary action allow a great number of people to meet JESUS CHRIST in fervent and welcoming communities, even if everything there is not authentic?

In saying this we do not forget the many riches of Christian tradition which have often been lost by those who left the Church, especially the certitude that everything human must be redeemed and saved, and the joyful and humble way of believing and doing the will of the FATHER of which Mary is the finest symbol.

Several things seem to us out of place in these churches: the miracle used as an instrument of propaganda, the pressures on the sick, the threatening with punishments from GOD...  Many enclose themselves in their cults, far from the "world," making ecumenism impossible, that is the dialogue and common seeking with other Christians.

There is, however, no room for envy or hatred: who can harm us if we do the work of GOD?)

The Logo Of The Roman Catholic Church

The Head Of The Roman Catholic Church


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