Sunday, May 01, 2016

All The Nations Will Know YOU

Hello! and happy holy and family day to all of us, GUYS.  For our first-thing-first this Sunday:

THE GOOD NEWS (01 May 2016)

"May GOD be gracious and bless us;
may HE let HIS face shine upon us,
that YOUR way be known on earth
and YOUR salvation among the nations.

May the peoples praise YOU, O GOD,
may all the peoples praise YOU!

May the countries be glad and sing for joy,
for YOU rule the peoples with justice
and guide the nations of the world.
May the peoples praise YOU, O GOD,
may all the peoples praise YOU!

The land has given its harvest;
GOD, our GOD, has blessed us.
May GOD bless us and be revered,
to the very ends of the earth."
- Psalm 67:2-8 

(The new Jerusalem comes down from GOD.  Somehow, people tried to build the human community.  At the end of history, they discover that along with them, GOD was building something much greater: a humanity gathered in the very life of GOD.)

The New Jerusalem

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