Saturday, May 28, 2016

My Soul Thirsts For YOU!

Hello! and happy good weekend to all of us, GUYS.  Our "food for the soul" this Saturday:

THE GOOD NEWS (28 May 2016)

"O GOD, YOU are my GOD, it is YOU I seek;
for YOU my body longs and my soul thirsts,
as a dry and weary land without water.

Thus have I gazed upon YOU in the sanctuary,
to see YOUR power and YOUR glory.
YOUR love is better than life,
my lips will glorify YOU.

I will bless YOU as long as I live,
lift up my hands and call on YOUR name.
As with the richest food my soul will feast;
my mouth will praise YOU with joyful lips."
- Psalm 63:2-6

(We become weary of everything.  No human love is entirely satisfying, for the shadow of separation or of death is over it.  Only the ONE who is source of living water and not a cracked cistern can satisfy human thirst.  Saint Augustine has expressed it in a celebrated phrase: "YOU have created us for YOURSELF, LORD, and our hearts are restless until they rest in YOU."

Our works, of course, count more for GOD than do our words, but in some way our desires are still more important.  They mark an available space for GOD in us, the day HE would wish to make us rich.  JESUS and Mary in her Magnificat declare blessed those who hunger and thirst for GOD, and unhappy those who are satisfied.

Happy are we if at certain moments of our life, while meditating on the word of GOD, praying, or responding generously to GOD's call, we have had an experience of GOD through the feelings which manifest HIM: peace, joy, security, inner conviction, fullness...  Then we can kindle in others the love and thirst for GOD.)


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