Sunday, May 08, 2016

GOD Has Put All Things Under The Feet Of CHRIST

Hello! and happy holy and family day to all of us, GUYS.  For our first-thing-first this Sunday: 

THE GOOD NEWS (08 May 2016)
"May the GOD of CHRIST JESUS our LORD, the FATHER of Glory, reveal HIMSELF to you and give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation, that you may know HIM.
May HE enlighten your inner vision, that you may appreciate the things we hope for, since we were called by GOD.
May you know how great is the inheritance, the glory, GOD sets apart for HIS saints; may you understand with what extraordinary power HE acts in favor of us who believe.
HE revealed HIS almighty power in CHRIST when HE raised HIM from the dead and had HIM sit at HIS right hand in heaven, far above all rule, power, authority, dominion, or any other supernatural force that could be named, not only in this world but in the world to come as well.
Thus has GOD put all things under the feet of CHRIST and set HIM above all things, as head of the Church which is HIS body, the fullness of HIM who fills all in all." - Ephesians 1:17-23 

(Far above all power.  In Paul's days neither Jews nor Christians doubted that the world was governed by supernatural powers, "angels."  They called them: Rulers, Powers, Authorities, Dominion, and Paul was saying to them: all these Powers are inferior to CHRIST.  In our days we express ourselves differently.  Nevertheless, we see the universe subject to the laws of nature, to the forces of matter and of life.  It is also subject to obscure forces: collective prejudices, vice and fanaticism.  These ruled the world, preventing the emergence of humanity, until the coming of CHRIST.
Supernatural Powers

GOD has put all things under the feet of CHRIST.  This means the same as the words of our creed: "JESUS is seated at the right hand of GOD."  It means that in rising, CHRIST, the GOD-Human became the First in the universe.  All things under HIS feet except humankind.)

Paul adds: "HE made HIM head of the Church."  CHRIST acts differently in two areas: in the world, where HE is the invisible center in charge; in the Church, of which HE is the head, where HE can show the riches of HIS Spirit.)

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