Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Risen Church

"After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to visit the tomb.  Suddenly there was a violent earthquake: an angel of the LORD descending from heaven, came to the stone, rolled it from the entrance of the tomb, and sat on it.  His appearance was like lightning and his garment white as snow.  When they saw the angel, the guards were struck with terror.
The angel said to the women, 'Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for JESUS, who was crucified.  HE is not here, for HE is risen as HE said.  Come, see the place where they laid HIM; then go at once and tell HIS disciples that HE is risen from the dead, and is going before you to Galilee.  You will see HIM there.  This is my message for you.'
In fear, yet with great joy, the women left the tomb and ran to tell the news to HIS disciples.
Suddenly, JESUS met them on the way and said, 'Rejoice!'  The women approached HIM, embraced HIS feet and worshiped HIM.  But JESUS said to them, 'Do not be afraid!  Go and tell MY brothers to set out for Galilee; there, they will see ME.'" - Matthew 28:1-10 
(This first paragraph is still in apocalyptic style, with its resplendent angel and another earthquake.  The Gospel refuses to describe a triumphal departure of JESUS, as his readers would have preferred.  The risen JESUS is only seen by those who believe: the women who look for HIM will see HIM, the soldiers and rulers who do not seek HIM will not understand.

The evangelist mentions the names of Mary of Magdala and the other Mary, the mother of James and of Joseph [Matthew 13:55], two of the "brothers of JESUS" [Matthew 13:55], HIS closest cousins.  [She is a relative of Mary, the mother of JESUS, John 19:25].

Suddenly, JESUS met them on the way.  It is obvious that Matthew is combining two different events; one, the discovery of the empty tomb, and the other, which happened later on, the apparition of JESUS to Mary Magdalene alone as related in John 20:11-18.

A woman, Mary Magdalene, conveys the message, in order to indicate that, in the Church, not everything will come from the authorities.  GOD communicates with whomsoever HE wishes, giving prophetic messages to simple people and to woman.

The resurrection of CHRIST is the pivotal point of the Gospel; yet Matthew reports it briefly.  Why?  Because when Matthew wrote his Gospel, the Resurrection was considered too great an event to put into writing: rather, it should be proclaimed and witnessed to by the Spirit at work in the Christian communities.

Are we in a different situation?  The Church that talks of the Risen CHRIST should never be a powerful Church but a Risen Church.  If the Church finds itself in a situation where there is no apparent hope of salvation, yet it is revived by the power of GOD; if in each generation the Church seems doomed to die because of its ancient structures, its worldly ways or the persecution it undergoes, yet it is nevertheless given new energies and new apostles by the LORD, then the Church is a witness that the LORD has risen and has given her the power to rise.)


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