Wednesday, April 08, 2020

The Last Supper

"On the first day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread, the disciples came to JESUS and said to HIM, 'Where do YOU want us to prepare the Passover meal for YOU?'  JESUS answered, 'Go into the city, to the house of a certain man, and tell him, 'The Master says: MY hour is near, and I will celebrate the Passover with MY disciples in your house.'
The disciples did as JESUS had ordered, and prepared the Passover meal.
When it was evening, JESUS sat at table with the Twelve.  While they were eating, JESUS said, 'Truly I say to you: one of you will betray ME.'  They were deeply distressed, and they asked HIM, one after the other, 'YOU do not mean me, do YOU, LORD?'
HE answered, 'The one who dips his bread with ME will betray ME.  The Son of Man is going as the Scriptures say HE will.  But alas for that one who betrays the Son of Man: better for him not to have been born.'  Judas, the one who would betray HIM, also asked, 'YOU do not mean me, Master, do you?'  JESUS replied, 'You have said it.'" - Matthew 26:17-25 

(During the Passover JESUS wanted to clarify the meaning of HIS imminent Passion.  HE was headed toward a death which HE freely accepted, a death that would save the world.  What would "HIS" salvation be?  It would bring human history to its fulfillment: people and races needed to mature, to confront one another and finally to be united in one body.  The world would pass though a thousand crises and deaths in order to come to the resurrection.  Within such a history GOD could spread and distribute the riches of HIS Spirit and bring to holiness HIS elect.  JESUS had presented a message that should guide humanity, but a people of GOD was also needed, a yeast, a minority who would feel committed to GOD's work, and to whom GOD would commit HIMSELF.)


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