Monday, April 27, 2020

The Bread Of Life; To Believe In The SON Of GOD

"Then the Jews asked HIM, 'What shall we do?  What are the works that GOD wants us to do?'  And JESUS answered them, 'The work GOD wants is this: that you believe in the One whom GOD has sent.'" - John 6:28-29 

(The discourse begins with a question from the Jews: Which are the works that GOD wants us to do?  JESUS replies: The Work that GOD wants is that you believe.  The FATHER does not demand "works," that is, the practices of a religious law, but rather, faith.  In the previous chapter, JESUS declared that HIS work is to raise people up.  Here HE indicates our work: to believe in the Messenger of the FATHER.)


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